Are there more men or women in Slovakia ?
In the last year, there were 118,253 more women than men in Slovakia. As of December 31, 2023, there were 2,771,470 women and 2,653,217 men in Slovakia. There are more women than men in Slovakia, and this trend seems to be long-term, as shown in the graph and overview for the last 10 years below. However, in recent years this difference has been decreasing, although not significantly in relation to the total population. While in 2014 the difference between women and men was 136,693, in 2023 the difference was 118,253. You can see the difference in individual years in the table below.
Is the population aging in Slovakia?
The aging of the population has been on the rise in recent years in Slovakia. While in 2014 there were 756,879 inhabitants aged 65 and over in Slovakia, which represented 13.95% of the total population, in 2023 it was 995,431, which represented 18.35% of the total population. In the following graph and overview, you can see the state of the population in the post-productive age (aged 65 and over) and the percentage of the total population of Slovakia in the years 2014 - 2023. The Aging Index is used to determine the aging of the population