Bethlehem Trnavá Hora

Category: Bethlehems
Region: Banská Bystrica Region
District: Žiar nad Hronom
City / Municipality: Trnavá Hora
Tourist location: Pohronie - Lower Pohronie (Dolné Pohronie), Tekov
District: Žiar nad Hronom
City / Municipality: Trnavá Hora
Tourist location: Pohronie - Lower Pohronie (Dolné Pohronie), Tekov
There are more Bethlehems with the theme of Slovak folk culture in Slovakia, but this one is unique in that it captures the Gospel in its entirety - from the birth of Jesus Christ to its Crucifixion and Resurrection. In this way, the author managed to summarize Jesus' life and with it the whole essence of Christianity in a relatively small space.
Although the author of the work never studied woodcarving, he decided on this long-term ant work to make people happy. The unique work went through two significant development phases. In the first phase, about ninety figures about 20 centimeters high were carved from linden wood with a single small knife, expressing biblical events.The figures, some of which are also movable, were placed by the carver on one level.
Inspired by the well-known Slovak Bethlehem in Rajecká Lesná, the author, with the help of his faithful co-worker Ján Truban, added to the biblical events the theme of a Slovak village and scenes from the everyday life of the Slovak people. A fundamental innovation of the work is the division of the work into three levels - the floors, which highlight the individual scenes.The paintings in the background are by Alena Pilníková and together with the lighting and the addition of other moving figures they create a complete work.
The dominant feature of the work is the Bethlehem neat-house with the family of God, angels, shepherds and Three Kings. Right to it you will find Jesus's scenes such as the Sermon on the Mount, Parable of Forgiveness, Last Supper, Captivity in the Gethsemane Garden, Judgement before the Prefect of Rome Pilate, Scourging and the Crucifixion. The culmination of these events is the theme of Jesus' Resurrection.
On the left are the traditional scenes of the Slovak village and its everyday life. There is also wedding , mowers on the meadows and women depicted during housework, various craftsmen, but also processions of believers at the site of the apparition of the Virgin Mary. The author thus managed to authentically capture the everyday life of people with their work, entertainment, worries and gladness.
A novelty is also the lining of the landscape with green moss, the addition of wooden houses, or the running water powering the mill wheel and the filling well. The work, which consists of about 200 characters, is unique, unsaleable and of undetermined value, even Master Turoň himself did not dare to estimate its price. Not only the citizens of Trnava Hora and the surrounding municipalities showed interest in Bethlehem, but also several media, it was presented in the news of some televisions and also in regional newspapers.
Source: Municipal office of Trnavá Hora