Čičmany - objects of folk architecture

Region: Žilina Region
District: Žilina
City / Municipality: Čičmany
Tourist location: Považie - Upper Váh region (Horné Považie)
Mountains:Strážov Mountains (Strážovské vrchy)
District: Žilina
City / Municipality: Čičmany
Tourist location: Považie - Upper Váh region (Horné Považie)
Mountains:Strážov Mountains (Strážovské vrchy)
In Slovakia, in the past, the construction of wooden houses - blockhouses was a typical element of folk architecture. Several buildings of folk architecture in Slovakia are monumentally protected and the village of Vlkolinec in Žilina region has also been included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. In Slovakia there are many villages with preserved wooden houses (blockhouses) from the past, especially in central and northern Slovakia, but only the people in Čičmany painted their wooden dwellings.
This geometric home decoration began to be used in Čičmany about 200 years ago in a simpler design.The ornaments used today began to be used after 1921, when a fire was in the village that destroyed several houses. After this fire houses were restored and people in village began to use the ornaments that are on the houses today. Part of the village was declared a monument reservation, some of the buildings in the village for the national cultural monument.
There is ethnographic exhibition of Považské Museum in two houses, which presents way of life in the past and folk art of people in village.