Exposition of Eastern Rite icons - Šariš museum in Bardejov

Region: Prešov Region
District: Bardejov
City / Municipality: Bardejov, City part / Municipality part:Bardejov
Tourist location: Šariš
World Heritage: UNESCO Cultural Heritage
District: Bardejov
City / Municipality: Bardejov, City part / Municipality part:Bardejov
Tourist location: Šariš
World Heritage: UNESCO Cultural Heritage
The Icons from the collection of The Šariš Museum in Bardejov were presented in many countries (Hungary, Belgium, Germany, Poland, Czech Republic). The one of the most distinguished was The World Exhibition in Osaka (Japan) in 1970. On the occasion of The World Exhibition in Osaka two sets of stamps with the theme of The Šariš Museum's icon were released.
The most precious exhibits
Strip of wooden icons Deesis from 16th century
Set of icons on wood from 16th century
Hodegetria, St. Michael the Archangel
St. Nicholas, St. Paraskieva
Complete Rococco iconostas from a wooden church in Zboj from 1766