Is the population aging in Slovakia?

Population over 65 years age in Slovakia - years 2014 - 2023 - chart

Overview - number of inhabitants in Slovakia in post-productive age
Years 2014 - 2023
Number of inhabitants 65 years and over (65+)

Year Total number
of inhabitants
65 years and over (65+)
Percentage of
total population
2014 5,421,349 756,879 13.96
2015 5,426,252 783,936 14.45
2016 5,435,343 814,659 14.99
2017 5,443,120 844,855 15.52
2018 5,450,421 874,319 16.04
2019 5,457,873 905,175 16.58
2020 5,459,781 932,024 17.07
2021 5,434,712 944,958 17.39
2022 5,428,792 969,068 17.85
2023 5,424,687 995,431 18.35
Population in pre-productive and post-productive age - years 2014 - 2023 - chart

Ageing index an number of inhabitants in Slovakia
in pre-productive and post-productive age
Years 2014 - 2023

Year Population
Post-productive age
65 years and over (65+)
Pre-productive age
0-14 years
Ageing index
2014 756,879 830,181 91.17
2015 783,936 832,043 94.22
2016 814,659 840,228 96.96
2017 844,855 849,701 99.43
2018 874,319 858,042 101.90
2019 905,175 863,720 104.80
2020 932,024 868,294 107.34
2021 944,958 872,796 108.27
2022 969,068 873,452 110.95
2023 995,431 867,397 114.76
(*) Pre-productive age 0-14 years - is the age in which the population is not yet economically active.
Productive age 15-64 years - is the age at which the majority of the population is economically active.
Post-productive age of 65 years and over (65+) - is the age at which the majority of the population is no longer economically active.

(**) Alfred Sauvy - was a demographer, anthropologist and historian of the French economy.