Košice Children Railway

Category: Historical railways
Region: Košice Region
District: Košice I
City / Municipality: Košice
Tourist location: Kosice and surroundings (Abov) / Košice a okolie (Abov)
District: Košice I
City / Municipality: Košice
Tourist location: Kosice and surroundings (Abov) / Košice a okolie (Abov)
The aperation was financed by Czechoslovak Railways, after origin of Slovak Republic in 1993 it was successor - Slovak Railways. The operation in these years, as it is today, is predominantly financed by the city of Košice.
In 2011, all vehicles took over the "Civic association Children Railway Košice" and in 2012 became railway operator. The plan of association is year-around operation. The aim is, for example, to introduce rides during weekends, special trips, night trips, corporate, historical and others. That is why association, in co-operation with the City of Košice, prepared a railway revitalization project. The railway line has currently a length of 3,9 km with a unique 1000 mm track width. Railway vehicles, excepting motor locomotive, are listed as a movable National cultural monument in the Central List of the Slovak Monument Fund.