Nedbalka - Gallery of Slovak Modern Art

Category: Galleries in Slovakia
Region: Bratislava Region
District: Bratislava I
City / Municipality: Bratislava, City part / Municipality part:Staré Mesto (Old Town)
Tourist location: Bratislava and surroundings (Bratislava a okolie)
Mountains:Little Carpathians (Malé Karpaty)
District: Bratislava I
City / Municipality: Bratislava, City part / Municipality part:Staré Mesto (Old Town)
Tourist location: Bratislava and surroundings (Bratislava a okolie)
Mountains:Little Carpathians (Malé Karpaty)
The Nedbalka Gallery´s mission is to promote public understanding and enjoyment of art by the foremost artists working in Slovakia from the late nineteenth century up to the present. The idea of establishing a non-profit organisation focused on this kind of activities emerged just a few years ago. Thanks to a team of enthusiasts, it didn´t take long for the idea to become reality. Within a short period of time, they were able not only to build a high-quality collection of fine art but also to create conditions for its public presentation in a building, which, after a total reconstruction, belongs to the most beautiful constructions of this kind in Slovakia.
By the time of establishment of the non-profit organisation, the Nedbalka Gallery´s collection consisted of over 500 works of art. The activities of the organisation serve the needs of both lay and expert public. With the activities of a highly professional nature, the Gallery also intends to address foreign visitors, art students, collectors and art lovers by means of various interesting events and exhibitions presenting works of foremost Slovak artists.
The Nedbalka Gallery is a non-profit organisation established in 2012. The founders´ aim is to bring 20th century Slovak fine art to the widest audience possible. The Nedbalka Gallery seeks to collect, process and present works of 20th, late 19th and early 21st century Slovak fine art in a progressive and systematic way. The collection embraces paintings, sculptures and prints. The Gallery presents the collection by means of the permanent exposition, temporary exhibitions, publications and exhibition catalogues. The primary focus is the presentation of Slovak artists.
Installed on four gallery floors, the permanent exposition focused on the birth and development of Slovak modern art provides an overview of the history of 20th century Slovak painting and sculpture. About 160 paintings and sculptures give visitors a greater insight into Slovak art scene of the period. Works are arranged in chronological order and divided into thematic groups highlighting basic trends in fine art over more than a century. This categorisation of works into their relevant contexts in the development of art allows the exhibition to underline links and relations, while the works retain their own features and stand out as unique pieces of art. The exhibition provides an excellent overview of the history of Slovak painting and sculpture.