Radola Mansion
Category: Mansions and palaces
Region: Žilina Region
District: Kysucké Nové Mesto
City / Municipality: Radoľa
Tourist location: Kysuce
Mountains:Kysuce Highlands (Kysucká vrchovina)
District: Kysucké Nové Mesto
City / Municipality: Radoľa
Tourist location: Kysuce
Mountains:Kysuce Highlands (Kysucká vrchovina)
At that time the manor house was a part of the Budatin lordship owned by Suňog family, whose descendants owned it until 1798, when the budatin lordship passed into the ownership of the Csaky family. The well preserved manor house in Radola represents a renessaince type of yeoman's habitation and initially it was apparently fortified by a castle wall.
From the 19th century to the year 1977 it served for residential purposes. After the reconstruction of the mansion there is a permanent exhibition of the Kysucké museum (seat in city of Čadca) since 1983.