Bratislava Region / Nature protection
Below are the protected natural areas that are located in Bratislava Region or extend into Bratislava Region.
Categories of protected areas
National Park (NP)
Protected Landscape Area (PLA)
Protected Area (PA)
National nature reservation (NNR)
National natural monument (NNM)
Nature reserve (NR)
Natural monument (NM)
Protected landscape element (PLE)
Nature Park (NPK)
Municipality protected area (MPA)
Protected Landscape Area (PLA)
Protected Area (PA)
National nature reservation (NNR)
National natural monument (NNM)
Nature reserve (NR)
Natural monument (NM)
Protected landscape element (PLE)
Nature Park (NPK)
Municipality protected area (MPA)
Natural areas of international importance
Beech Forests of the Carpathians - UNESCO Natural Heritage
Caves of the Slovak Karst - UNESCO Natural Heritage
List of Biosphere Reserves (BR) in Slovakia
Natura 2000
Ramsar sites
Caves of the Slovak Karst - UNESCO Natural Heritage
List of Biosphere Reserves (BR) in Slovakia
Natura 2000
Ramsar sites
List of National Parks in Slovakia - Bratislava Region
There are no locations in the region
List of Protected landscape areas (PLA) in Slovakia - Bratislava Region
Nr. | Name | Area in ha / PZ in ha (*)(**) | District |
1. | Dunajské luhy | 12,284.4609 - | Bratislava II, Bratislava V, Senec |
2. | Little Carpathians (Malé Karpaty) | 64,610.1202 - | Bratislava II, Bratislava IV, Malacky, Pezinok |
3. | Záhorie | 27,522.0000 - | Bratislava IV, Malacky |
(**) Area of the protected area - its area in ha in total (not the area in the territory of the region) / area of protection (buffer) zone in ha total (not in region)
PZ - Protection (buffer) zone(*) State: 31.12.2022
List of Protected sites (PS) in Slovakia - Bratislava Region
Nr. | Name | Area in ha / PZ in ha (*)(**) | District |
1. | Bajdeľ | 8.6800 has not PZ | Bratislava II |
2. | Bežnisko | 922.3100 has not PZ | Malacky |
3. | Borovicový lesík | 0.8012 has not PZ | Bratislava I |
4. | Bôrik | 1.4284 has not PZ | Bratislava I |
5. | Devínske alúvium Moravy | 253.1600 has not PZ | Bratislava IV |
6. | Horský park | 22.9615 has not PZ | Bratislava I |
7. | Hrabiny | 7.0500 has not PZ | Bratislava V |
8. | Chorvátske rameno | 9.8463 0.3100 | Bratislava V |
9. | Jarovská bažantnica | 78.2579 has not PZ | Bratislava V |
10. | Jazerinky | 6.8825 has not PZ | Malacky |
11. | Kotlina | 616.6900 has not PZ | Malacky |
12. | Lesné diely | 0.5250 has not PZ | Bratislava IV |
13. | Marhecké rybníky | 57.4800 has not PZ | Malacky |
14. | Mešterova lúka | 133.5000 has not PZ | Malacky |
15. | Pečniansky les | 295.3500 has not PZ | Bratislava IV, Bratislava V |
16. | Poľovnícky les | 7.5000 has not PZ | Bratislava II |
17. | Rudava | 1,958.6600 has not PZ | Malacky |
18. | Sihoť | 234.9100 has not PZ | Bratislava IV |
19. | Soví les | 41.8700 has not PZ | Bratislava V |
20. | Svätojurské hradisko | 19.7100 has not PZ | Pezinok |
21. | Šranecké piesky | 987.5900 has not PZ | Malacky |
22. | Zeleň pri Vodárni | 0.2348 has not PZ | Bratislava I |
23. | Ostrovné lúčky | 674.3900 has not PZ | Bratislava V |
24. | Devínske jazero | 1,268.8990 has not PZ | Malacky |
25. | Široká | 203.5700 has not PZ | Malacky |
(**) Area of the protected area - its area in ha in total (not the area in the territory of the region) / area of protection (buffer) zone in ha total (not in region)
PZ - Protection (buffer) zone(*) State: 31.12.2022
List of National nature reservations (NNR) - Bratislava Region
Nr. | Name | Area in ha / PZ in ha (*)(**) | District |
1. | Abrod | 92.0000 circuit 100 m | Malacky |
2. | Devínska Kobyla | 101.1157 circuit 100 m | Bratislava IV |
3. | Hajdúchy | 56.1100 circuit 100 m | Pezinok |
4. | Horný les | 543.0200 circuit 100 m | Malacky |
5. | Kršlenica | 117.3400 circuit 100 m | Malacky |
6. | Pohanská | 128.9300 circuit 100 m | Malacky |
7. | Roštún | 333.3100 circuit 100 m | Malacky |
8. | Šúr | 654.9590 144.7297 | Pezinok, Senec |
(**) Area of the protected area - its area in ha in total (not the area in the territory of the region) / area of protection (buffer) zone in ha total (not in region)
PZ - Protection (buffer) zone(*) State: 31.12.2022
List of National natural monuments (NNM) in Slovakia - Bratislava Region
Nr. | Name | Area in ha / PZ in ha (*)(**) | District |
1. | Devínska hradná skala | 1.7000 circuit 60 m | Bratislava IV |
(**) Area of the protected area - its area in ha in total (not the area in the territory of the region) / area of protection (buffer) zone in ha total (not in region)
PZ - Protection (buffer) zone(*) State: 31.12.2022
List of Nature reserves (NR) in Slovakia - Bratislava Region
Nr. | Name | Area in ha / PZ in ha (*)(**) | District |
1. | Alúvium Gidry | 2.6274 circuit 100 m | Pezinok |
2. | Bezodné | 3.4600 52.5800 | Malacky |
3. | Bogdalický vrch | 33.2000 circuit 100 m | Malacky |
4. | Fialková dolina | 20.5879 circuit 100 m | Bratislava IV |
5. | Gajc | 62.7200 circuit 100 m | Bratislava II |
6. | Jurské jazero | 27.4900 circuit 100 m | Pezinok |
7. | Klokoč | 21.5900 circuit 100 m | Malacky |
8. | Kopáčsky ostrov | 82.6200 circuit 100 m | Bratislava II |
9. | Lindava | 46.2000 circuit 100 m | Pezinok |
10. | Nad Šenkárkou | 10.9200 circuit 100 m | Pezinok |
11. | Nové pole | 6.7738 circuit 100 m | Malacky |
12. | Orlovské vŕšky | 206.9200 circuit 100 m | Malacky |
13. | Pod Pajštúnom | 141.4197 has not PZ | Malacky |
14. | Slovanský ostrov | 34.3772 2.5562 | Bratislava IV |
15. | Starý háj | 76.6520 10.7197 | Bratislava V |
16. | Strmina | 196.2800 circuit 100 m | Malacky |
17. | Šmolzie | 45.5900 circuit 100 m | Malacky |
18. | Štokeravská vápenka | 12.7085 circuit 100 m | Bratislava IV |
19. | Topoľové hony | 60.0600 circuit 100 m | Bratislava II |
20. | Vysoká | 80.5300 circuit 100 m | Malacky |
21. | Zlatá studnička | 73.3100 circuit 100 m | Pezinok |
22. | Vydrica | 483.4900 97.7500 | Bratislava III, Bratislava IV, Pezinok |
23. | Pralesy Slovenska - Vysoká | 20.1153 has not PZ | Malacky |
24. | Pralesy Slovenska - Zámok | 141.4528 has not PZ | Malacky |
(**) Area of the protected area - its area in ha in total (not the area in the territory of the region) / area of protection (buffer) zone in ha total (not in region)
PZ - Protection (buffer) zone(*) State: 31.12.2022
List of Natural monuments (NM) in Slovakia - Bratislava Region
Nr. | Name | Area in ha / PZ in ha (*)(**) | District |
1. | Bukovina | 5.0806 circuit 60 m | Malacky |
2. | Deravá skala Verejnosti voľne prístupná jaskyňa | - has not PZ | Malacky |
3. | Devínska lesostep | 5.0966 circuit 60 m | Bratislava IV |
4. | Limbašská vyvieračka | 6.5700 circuit 60 m | Pezinok |
5. | Panský diel | 15.6000 circuit 60 m | Bratislava II |
6. | Rösslerov lom | 2.3828 circuit 60 m | Bratislava III |
7. | Tisové skaly | 1.5200 circuit 60 m | Pezinok |
(**) Area of the protected area - its area in ha in total (not the area in the territory of the region) / area of protection (buffer) zone in ha total (not in region)
PZ - Protection (buffer) zone(*) State: 31.12.2022
List of Protected landscape elements (PLE) in Slovakia - Bratislava Region
Nr. | Name | Area in ha / PZ in ha (*)(**) | District |
1. | Vápenický potok | 2.5161 has not PZ | Bratislava IV |
(**) Area of the protected area - its area in ha in total (not the area in the territory of the region) / area of protection (buffer) zone in ha total (not in region)
PZ - Protection (buffer) zone(*) State: 31.12.2022
Beech Forests of the Carpathians - UNESCO Natural Heritage Bratislava Region - list
There are no beech forests of the carpathians - unesco natural heritage in the region
Caves of the Slovak Karst - UNESCO Natural Heritage Bratislava Region
(selected sites)
There are no caves of the slovak karst - unesco natural heritage in the region
List of Biosphere Reserves (BR) in Slovakia - Bratislava Region
There are no locations in the region
Nature Park (NPK) in Slovakia - Bratislava Region
There are no locations in the region
Municipality protected areas (MPA) in Slovakia - Bratislava Region
Nr. | Name | Area in ha / PZ in ha (*)(**) | District |
1. | Dunajská riviéra - pod hrádzou Obecné | 2.1852 has not PZ | Senec |
(**) Area of the protected area - its area in ha in total (not the area in the territory of the region) / area of protection (buffer) zone in ha total (not in region)
PZ - Protection (buffer) zone(*) State: 31.12.2022
Natura 2000 in Slovakia
There are included in the NATURA 2000 system:
Territories of European importance
Informations can be found on the website
Protected bird areas
List of Protected bird areas (PBA) in Slovakia - Bratislava Region
Nr. | Name | Area in ha / PZ in ha (*)(**) | District |
1. | Malé Karpaty | 50,633.6000 - | Bratislava III, Bratislava IV, Malacky, Pezinok |
2. | Sysľovské polia | 1,772.9400 - | Bratislava V |
3. | Uľanská mokraď | 18,173.9100 - | Senec |
4. | Dunajské luhy | 16,511.5800 - | Bratislava II, Bratislava IV, Bratislava V, Senec |
5. | Záhorské Pomoravie | 33,067.9900 - | Bratislava IV, Malacky |
(**) Area of the protected area - its area in ha in total (not the area in the territory of the region) / area of protection (buffer) zone in ha total (not in region)
(*) State: 31.12.2022
(*) Source:
Ramsar sites - Bratislava Region
Nr. | Nr. | Area ha | Location - Short description (*) | Region - District | Municipality (**) |
1. | Šúr | 1,136.60 | Region Bratislava (Bratislavský kraj) - districts Pezinok, Senec | Svätý Jur, Chorvátsky Grob | |
2. | Dunajské luhy (Danube flood plains) | 14,488.00 | Region Bratislava (Bratislavský kraj) - districts Bratislava II, Bratislava V, Senec, Region Trnava (Trnavský kraj) - district Dunajská Streda, Region Nitra (Nitriansky kraj) - district Komárno | Baka, Bodíky, Bratislava, Číčov, Čunovo, Dobrohošť, Gabčíkovo, Hamuliakovo, Kalinkovo, Klížska Nemá, Kľúčovec, Kyselica, Medveďov, Mliečno, Nové Košariská, Podunajské Biskupice, Rohovce, Rusovce, Ružinov, Sap, Trávnik, Veľké Kosihy, Vojka nad Dunajom, Zlatná na Ostrove | |
3. | Moravské luhy (Morava flood plains) | 5,380.00 | Region Bratislava (Bratislavský kraj) - districts Bratislava IV, Malacky, Region Trnava (Trnavský kraj) - districts Senica, Skalica | Bratislava (Devín, Devínska Nová Ves), Brodské, Gajary, Kúty, Malé Leváre, Moravský Svätý Ján, Sekule, Suchohrad, Veľké Leváre, Vysoká pri Morave, Záhorská Ves, Závod, Zohor | |
4. | Alúvium Rudavy (Rudava River Valley) | 560.00 | Region Bratislava (Bratislavský kraj) - district Malacky, Region Trnava (Trnavský kraj) - district Senica | Plavecké Podhradie, Plavecký Mikuláš, Plavecký Peter, Prievaly, Rohožník, Sološnica, Vojenský obvod Záhorie |
(*) Location - Short description
(**) Municipality or Cadastral area