Bratislava Region / Population

Population in Bratislava Region is 732,757 (732.757 thousand)
Status of the permanently resident population as of 1.1.2024 / 31.12.2023
Official data on state of the population as of 1.1.2025 / 31.12.2024 are not yet available.

Population - number of inhabitants in Bratislava Region years 2014 - 2023
Status of the permanently resident population as of 31.12.
The largest number of inhabitants in Bratislava Region in the years 2014 - 2023
was in 2023 ( 732,757 ).
The smallest number of inhabitants in the mentioned period was in 2014 ( 625,167 ).
The smallest number of inhabitants in the mentioned period was in 2014 ( 625,167 ).
Chart - population - number of inhabitants in Bratislava Region years 2014 - 2023

Year | The population |
2014 | 625,167 |
2015 | 633,288 |
2016 | 641,892 |
2017 | 650,838 |
2018 | 659,598 |
2019 | 669,592 |
2020 | 677,024 |
2021 | 723,714 |
2022 | 728,370 |
2023 | 732,757 |
Population density in Bratislava Region
Population density in Bratislava Region is 356.99 inhabitants / km2.
State by population
31.12.2023 / 732,757 inhabitants.
Area of region is 2,052 km2.
Area of region is 2,052 km2.
Population density in Bratislava Region years 2014 - 2023
The highest population density in the years 2014 - 2023 was in 2023 : 356.99 inhabitants / km2.
The smallest population density in the mentioned period was in 2014 : 304.57 inhabitants / km2.
The smallest population density in the mentioned period was in 2014 : 304.57 inhabitants / km2.
Chart - population density in Bratislava Region years 2014 - 2023

Year | The population | Density of population |
2014 | 625,167 | 304.57 |
2015 | 633,288 | 308.53 |
2016 | 641,892 | 312.72 |
2017 | 650,838 | 317.08 |
2018 | 659,598 | 321.35 |
2019 | 669,592 | 326.21 |
2020 | 677,024 | 329.83 |
2021 | 723,714 | 352.58 |
2022 | 728,370 | 354.85 |
2023 | 732,757 | 356.99 |
Population in Bratislava Region by gender
Status of the permanently resident population as of 31.12.2023
In 2023, there is 353,071 men (48.18 %) and 379,686 women (51.82 %) in Bratislava Region.
The male to female ratio is 0.930, which is approximately 930 males per 1000 females.
Chart - population in Bratislava Region by gender

48.18 %
48.18 %
51.82 %
51.82 %