Košice Region
Category: Regions
Area of the region: 6,754.32 km2The population: 779,073
Population density: 115.34 / km2
Number of districts: 11
Number of cities and municipalities: 440
Number of protected natural areas and natural monuments: 159
Western part of the region has mountain and foothill character. There are mountains Slovak Ore Mountains (Slovenske rudohorie) - Volovské Mountains (Volovské vrchy), Slovak Karst (Slovenský kras), Slovak Paradise (Slovenský raj), Rožňavská valley (Rožňavská dolina). From the north to the south stretches the mountain Slanec Hills (Slanské vrchy) , there extends also Revúcka highlands (Revúcka vrchovina) and Black Mountain (Čierna hora). The eastern part of the region has a predominantly lowland nature, for the most part it is covered by Eastern Slovak Lowland (Východoslovenská nížina).
There are two national parks - Slovak Paradise National Park (Národný park Slovenský raj) and Slovak Karst National Park (Národný park Slovenský kras) in Košice region.