Košice Region
Population in Košice Region is 779,073 (779.073 thousand)
Status of the permanently resident population as of 31.12.2023
Date of processing 02.07.2024 **
** The last date we processed the data
Population - number of inhabitants in Košice Region years 2014 - 2023
Status of the permanently resident population as of 31.12.
The largest number of inhabitants in Košice Region in the years 2014 - 2023
was in 2020 ( 802,092 ).
The smallest number of inhabitants in the mentioned period was in 2023 ( 779,073 ).
The smallest number of inhabitants in the mentioned period was in 2023 ( 779,073 ).
Chart - population - number of inhabitants in Košice Region years 2014 - 2023
Year | The population |
2014 | 795,565 |
2015 | 796,650 |
2016 | 798,103 |
2017 | 799,217 |
2018 | 800,414 |
2019 | 801,460 |
2020 | 802,092 |
2021 | 780,288 |
2022 | 779,505 |
2023 | 779,073 |
Population density in Košice Region
Population density in Košice Region is 115.34 inhabitants / km2.
State by population
31.12.2023 / 779,073 inhabitants.
Area of region is 6,754 km2.
Area of region is 6,754 km2.
Population density in Košice Region years 2014 - 2023
The highest population density in the years 2014 - 2023 was in 2020 : 118.75 inhabitants / km2.
The smallest population density in the mentioned period was in 2023 : 115.34 inhabitants / km2.
The smallest population density in the mentioned period was in 2023 : 115.34 inhabitants / km2.
Chart - population density in Košice Region years 2014 - 2023
Year | The population | Density of population |
2014 | 795,565 | 117.79 |
2015 | 796,650 | 117.95 |
2016 | 798,103 | 118.16 |
2017 | 799,217 | 118.33 |
2018 | 800,414 | 118.50 |
2019 | 801,460 | 118.66 |
2020 | 802,092 | 118.75 |
2021 | 780,288 | 115.52 |
2022 | 779,505 | 115.41 |
2023 | 779,073 | 115.34 |
Population in Košice Region by gender
Status of the permanently resident population as of 31.12.2023
In 2023, there is 380,676 men (48.86 %) and 398,397 women (51.14 %) in Košice Region.
The male to female ratio is 0.956, which is approximately 956 males per 1000 females.
Chart - population in Košice Region by gender
48.86 %
48.86 %
51.14 %
51.14 %