Košice Region / Protection of Monuments
List of most important national cultural monuments - Košice Region
List of monument reservations - Košice Region
UNESCO cultural heritage - Košice Region
List of monument reservations - Košice Region
UNESCO cultural heritage - Košice Region
List of most important national cultural monuments - Košice Region
Nr. | Name City/Municipality or Location | Article | Type | Since year | City/Municipality | District |
1. | Budova vyhlásenia Košického vlád. programu Košice | NNKP | 1961 | Košice | Košice I | |
2. | Dóm sv. Alžbety Košice | NNKP | 1970 | Košice | Košice I | |
3. | Evanjelický kostol Štítnik | NNKP | 1970 | Štítnik | Rožňava | |
4. | Farský kostol sv.Ducha Žehra | NNKP | 1985 | Žehra | Spišská Nová Ves | |
5. | Hrad Krásna Hôrka | NNKP | 1970 | Krásnohorské Podhradie | Rožňava | |
6. | Hrad s areálom Spišský hrad | NNKP | 1961 | Žehra | Spišská Nová Ves | |
7. | Kaštieľ s areálom Betliar | NNKP | 1985 | Betliar | Rožňava | |
8. | Kláštor Premonštrátskeho konventu Jasov | NNKP | 1970 | Jasov | Košice - okolie |
(*) NNKP - Immovable National cultural monument, HNKP - Movable National Cultural Monument
Zdroj: www.pamiatky.sk
List of monument reservations - Košice Region
Nr. | Nr. Municipality or Location |
Type (*) | Date of declaration | City/Municipality | District |
1. | Mestská pamiatková rezervácia Košice | MPR | 2.2.1983 | Košice | Košice I |
(*) PR - Monument reserve, MPR - City monument reservation,
PRLS - Monument reserve of folk architecture, PRTD - Monument reservation of technical works
PRLS - Monument reserve of folk architecture, PRTD - Monument reservation of technical works
Zdroj: www.pamiatky.sk
UNESCO cultural heritage - Košice Region
Nr. | Name | Article | Location UNESCO |
1. | Spiš castle (Spišký hrad) | Spiš castle and Levoča and the Associated Cultural Monuments | |
2. | Spišská Kapitula | Spiš castle and Levoča and the Associated Cultural Monuments | |
3. | Spišské Podhradie - municipalty of Spišské Podhradie | Spiš castle and Levoča and the Associated Cultural Monuments | |
4. | Church of Holy Spirit at Žehra | Spiš castle and Levoča and the Associated Cultural Monuments | |
5. | Ruská Bystrá - Church of the relics of St. Nicholas in municipalty of Ruská Bystrá | Wooden churches of the Slovak Carpathians |