Nitra Region / Districts
Districts in Nitra Region

Districts by population in Nitra Region
The district with the largest population is Nitra district with a population 164,820). The district with the second largest population is Nové Zámky district with a population 135,003. The district with the third largest population is Levice district with a population 108,479. District with the smallest population is Zlaté Moravce district which has 40,765 inhabitants.
Population status as of 31.12.2023.
Official data on state of the population as of 1.1.2025 / 31.12.2024 are not yet available.
Official data on state of the population as of 1.1.2025 / 31.12.2024 are not yet available.
Districts by area in Nitra Region
The largest district in Nitra Region by area is district Levice with an area 1,551.10 km2. The second largest district in Nitra Region by area is the district Nové Zámky with an area 1,347.06 km2. The third largest district in Nitra Region by area is the district Komárno with an area 1,100.13 km2. The smallest district in Nitra Region by area is district Šaľa which has an area 355.90 km2.
Districts by number of municipalities in Nitra Region
The district with the largest number of municipalities is Levice district with 89 municipalities. The district with the second largest number of municipalities is Nitra district with 62 municipalities. The district with the third largest number of municipalities is Nové Zámky district with 62 municipalities. District with the smallest number of municipalities is Šaľa district which has 13 municipalities.
Nr. | District |
NR inhabitans (*) | Area km2 (*) | Density of population / km2 |
Municipalities nr |
1. | Komárno | 99,273 | 1,100 (1,100.133357) | 90.24 | 41 |
2. | Levice | 108,479 | 1,551 (1,551.104906) | 69.94 | 89 |
3. | Nitra | 164,820 | 871 (870.719944) | 189.29 | 62 |
4. | Nové Zámky | 135,003 | 1,347 (1,347.064780) | 100.22 | 62 |
5. | Šaľa | 50,384 | 356 (355.900088) | 141.57 | 13 |
6. | Topoľčany | 69,577 | 598 (597.633732) | 116.42 | 54 |
7. | Zlaté Moravce | 40,765 | 521 (521.176713) | 78.22 | 33 |
Total: (7) | 668,301 (*) | 6,344.00 (6,343.733520) | 354 |
Population status as of 31.12.2023.
(*) Source:
(*) Source: