Nitra Region / Nature protection
Below are the protected natural areas that are located in Nitra Region or extend into Nitra Region.
Categories of protected areas
National Park (NP)
Protected Landscape Area (PLA)
Protected Area (PA)
National nature reservation (NNR)
National natural monument (NNM)
Nature reserve (NR)
Natural monument (NM)
Protected landscape element (PLE)
Nature Park (NPK)
Municipality protected area (MPA)
Protected Landscape Area (PLA)
Protected Area (PA)
National nature reservation (NNR)
National natural monument (NNM)
Nature reserve (NR)
Natural monument (NM)
Protected landscape element (PLE)
Nature Park (NPK)
Municipality protected area (MPA)
Natural areas of international importance
Beech Forests of the Carpathians - UNESCO Natural Heritage
Caves of the Slovak Karst - UNESCO Natural Heritage
List of Biosphere Reserves (BR) in Slovakia
Natura 2000
Ramsar sites
Caves of the Slovak Karst - UNESCO Natural Heritage
List of Biosphere Reserves (BR) in Slovakia
Natura 2000
Ramsar sites
List of National Parks in Slovakia - Nitra Region
There are no locations in the region
List of Protected landscape areas (PLA) in Slovakia - Nitra Region
Nr. | Name | Area in ha / PZ in ha (*)(**) | District |
1. | Dunajské luhy | 12,284.4609 - | Komárno |
2. | Ponitrie | 37,665.4100 - | Nitra, Topoľčany, Zlaté Moravce |
3. | Štiavnické vrchy | 77,630.0000 - | Levice |
(**) Area of the protected area - its area in ha in total (not the area in the territory of the region) / area of protection (buffer) zone in ha total (not in region)
PZ - Protection (buffer) zone(*) State: 31.12.2022
List of Protected sites (PS) in Slovakia - Nitra Region
Nr. | Name | Area in ha / PZ in ha (*)(**) | District |
1. | Alúvium Paríža | 103.0941 has not PZ | Nové Zámky |
2. | Arborétum Mlyňany | 61.1479 has not PZ | Zlaté Moravce |
3. | Bábsky park | 4.2200 has not PZ | Nitra |
4. | Bohatský park | 4.6400 has not PZ | Komárno |
5. | Bohunický park | 3.6028 has not PZ | Levice |
6. | Číčovský park | 8.6600 has not PZ | Komárno |
7. | Dolné lazy | 7.2649 has not PZ | Topoľčany |
8. | Dropie | 912.7642 has not PZ | Komárno |
9. | Huntácka dolina | 8.7431 has not PZ | Nitra |
10. | Hurbanovský park | 5.4400 has not PZ | Komárno |
11. | Jelenská gaštanica | 3.8000 has not PZ | Nitra |
12. | Juhásove slance | 41.8435 has not PZ | Šaľa |
13. | Kaštieľsky park | 1.1000 has not PZ | Komárno |
14. | Klasovský park | 3.9900 has not PZ | Nitra |
15. | Komárňanské slanisko | 14.7780 has not PZ | Komárno |
16. | Komjatický park | 6.4929 has not PZ | Nové Zámky |
17. | Kostolianske lúky | 4.2019 has not PZ | Nitra |
18. | Kráľovičova slatina | 0.2632 has not PZ | Levice |
19. | Kraviansky park | 2.3400 has not PZ | Komárno |
20. | Lapášsky park | 2.1900 has not PZ | Nitra |
21. | Levické rybníky | 91.8300 has not PZ | Levice |
22. | Levický park | 1.7277 has not PZ | Levice |
23. | Lipovský park | 3.4320 has not PZ | Nové Zámky |
24. | Maniansky park | 7.6901 has not PZ | Nové Zámky |
25. | Marcelovský park | 2.1600 has not PZ | Komárno |
26. | Močenský park | 5.8700 has not PZ | Šaľa |
27. | Moľvy | 8.5260 has not PZ | Nové Zámky |
28. | Novoveský park | 6.5900 has not PZ | Nitra |
29. | Palárikovský park | 50.8776 has not PZ | Nové Zámky |
30. | Pavelské slanisko | 18.6104 has not PZ | Komárno |
31. | Pri Orechovom rade | 1.6990 has not PZ | Komárno |
32. | Pribetský háj | 2.3959 has not PZ | Komárno |
33. | Rúbaniansky park | 5.7674 has not PZ | Nové Zámky |
34. | Rumanovský park | 2.9700 has not PZ | Nitra |
35. | Strážsky park | 6.6100 has not PZ | Komárno |
36. | Svätopeterský park | 5.1602 has not PZ | Komárno |
37. | Šándorky | 3.1132 has not PZ | Levice |
38. | Šurianske slaniská | 169.4038 has not PZ | Nové Zámky |
39. | Šuriansky park | 0.9500 has not PZ | Nitra |
40. | Tesársky park | 1.9600 has not PZ | Topoľčany |
41. | Topoľčianska zubria zvernica | 140.1600 has not PZ | Zlaté Moravce |
42. | Topoľčiansky park | 10.3300 has not PZ | Zlaté Moravce |
43. | Tovarnícky park | 16.3482 has not PZ | Topoľčany |
44. | Záhrada | 20.0256 has not PZ | Topoľčany |
45. | Želiezovský park | 13.2725 has not PZ | Levice |
46. | Žitavský park | 4.4900 has not PZ | Nitra |
47. | Jurský Chlm | 103.1019 has not PZ | Nové Zámky |
48. | Marcelovské piesky | 42.0490 has not PZ | Komárno |
49. | Mostová | 23.5548 has not PZ | Komárno |
50. | Čenkov | 254.8700 has not PZ | Komárno, Nové Zámky |
51. | Hradná dolina | 14.3264 has not PZ | Topoľčany |
52. | Kamenínske slaniská | 119.4971 has not PZ | Nové Zámky |
53. | Nesvadské piesky | 35.3160 has not PZ | Komárno |
54. | Panské lúky | 68.8100 has not PZ | Nové Zámky |
55. | Síky | 40.1153 has not PZ | Šaľa |
56. | Vinište | 5.7885 has not PZ | Topoľčany |
(**) Area of the protected area - its area in ha in total (not the area in the territory of the region) / area of protection (buffer) zone in ha total (not in region)
PZ - Protection (buffer) zone(*) State: 31.12.2022
List of National nature reservations (NNR) - Nitra Region
Nr. | Name | Area in ha / PZ in ha (*)(**) | District |
1. | Apálsky ostrov | 85.9746 circuit 100 m | Komárno |
2. | Bábsky les | 30.3900 circuit 100 m | Nitra |
3. | Burdov | 364.1400 circuit 100 m | Nové Zámky |
4. | Číčovské mŕtve rameno | 79.8715 55.2553 | Komárno |
5. | Horšianska dolina | 313.3772 circuit 100 m | Levice |
6. | Hrdovická | 30.0300 circuit 100 m | Topoľčany |
7. | Leliansky les | 198.7400 circuit 100 m | Nové Zámky |
8. | Parížske močiare | 184.0464 circuit 100 m | Nové Zámky |
9. | Patianska cerina | 26.5000 circuit 100 m | Levice |
10. | Včelár | 8.7600 circuit 100 m | Zlaté Moravce |
11. | Zoborská lesostep | 23.0800 circuit 100 m | Nitra |
(**) Area of the protected area - its area in ha in total (not the area in the territory of the region) / area of protection (buffer) zone in ha total (not in region)
PZ - Protection (buffer) zone(*) State: 31.12.2022
List of National natural monuments (NNM) in Slovakia - Nitra Region
There are no locations in the region
List of Nature reserves (NR) in Slovakia - Nitra Region
Nr. | Name | Area in ha / PZ in ha (*)(**) | District |
1. | Alúvium Žitavy | 32.5300 circuit 100 m | Komárno |
2. | Bíňanský rybník | 35.1343 circuit 100 m | Nové Zámky |
3. | Bokrošské slanisko | 14.0600 circuit 100 m | Komárno |
4. | Búčske slanisko | 20.3995 circuit 100 m | Komárno |
5. | Čierna voda | 6.3176 circuit 100 m | Nové Zámky |
6. | Drieňová hora | 0.9700 2.4400 | Nové Zámky |
7. | Dunajské trstiny | 104.1016 circuit 100 m | Komárno |
8. | Hlohyňa | 2.5400 circuit 100 m | Levice |
9. | Holé brehy | 5.4400 24.1100 | Topoľčany |
10. | Chotínske piesky | 7.0230 circuit 100 m | Komárno |
11. | Jabloňovský Roháč | 64.6400 circuit 100 m | Levice |
12. | Komočín | 0.4892 circuit 100 m | Komárno |
13. | Kovarská hôrka | 4.4000 circuit 100 m | Topoľčany |
14. | Kratina | 10.1500 circuit 100 m | Komárno |
15. | Krivín | 54.1500 circuit 100 m | Levice |
16. | Kusá hora | 6.1579 circuit 100 m | Levice |
17. | Listové jazero | 41.0200 circuit 100 m | Komárno |
18. | Lohotský močiar | 24.1336 circuit 100 m | Komárno |
19. | Lupka | 20.7300 circuit 100 m | Nitra |
20. | Malý ostrov | 8.3400 circuit 100 m | Komárno |
21. | Martovská mokraď | 11.8729 circuit 100 m | Komárno |
22. | Palárikovské lúky | 16.9313 has not PZ | Nové Zámky |
23. | Pod Starým vrchom | 3.6513 circuit 100 m | Komárno |
24. | Pohrebište | 69.3296 circuit 100 m | Komárno |
25. | Preliačina | 35.8700 circuit 100 m | Topoľčany |
26. | Révajovská pustatina | 0.6800 circuit 100 m | Komárno |
27. | Solčiansky háj | 7.0700 circuit 100 m | Topoľčany |
28. | Sovie vinohrady | 4.8600 circuit 100 m | Nové Zámky |
29. | Šípka | 46.8400 circuit 100 m | Levice |
30. | Torozlín | 5.4008 circuit 100 m | Nové Zámky |
31. | Veľký les | 21.0900 circuit 100 m | Nové Zámky |
32. | Vozokánsky luh | 11.0500 circuit 100 m | Levice |
33. | Vrbina | 34.4895 circuit 100 m | Komárno |
34. | Vŕšok | 1.4525 circuit 100 m | Nové Zámky |
35. | Zlatniansky luh | 9.1400 circuit 100 m | Komárno |
36. | Žibrica | 68.6053 has not PZ | Nitra |
37. | Žitavský luh | 74.6884 circuit 100 m | Nové Zámky |
(**) Area of the protected area - its area in ha in total (not the area in the territory of the region) / area of protection (buffer) zone in ha total (not in region)
PZ - Protection (buffer) zone(*) State: 31.12.2022
List of Natural monuments (NM) in Slovakia - Nitra Region
Nr. | Name | Area in ha / PZ in ha (*)(**) | District |
1. | Bábske jazierko | 3.5201 circuit 60 m | Šaľa |
2. | Bíňanský sprašový profil | 0.3600 circuit 60 m | Nové Zámky |
3. | Bystré jazierko | 2.0000 circuit 60 m | Šaľa |
4. | Čermiansky močiar | 5.4457 circuit 60 m | Topoľčany |
5. | Čertova pec Verejnosti voľne prístupná jaskyňa | - has not PZ | Topoľčany |
6. | Čierne jazierko | 3.4027 circuit 60 m | Šaľa |
7. | Jahodnianske jazierka | 5.3271 circuit 60 m | Šaľa |
8. | Kamenický sprašový profil | 0.1500 circuit 60 m | Nové Zámky |
9. | Meander Chrenovky | 0.9607 circuit 60 m | Nové Zámky |
10. | Mužliansky potok | 30.9542 circuit 60 m | Nové Zámky |
11. | Nitriansky dolomitový lom | 1.2599 circuit 60 m | Nitra |
12. | Potok Chrenovka | 25.8845 circuit 60 m | Nové Zámky |
13. | Rieka Žitava | 1.8221 circuit 60 m | Nové Zámky |
14. | Svoradova jaskyňa Verejnosti voľne prístupná jaskyňa | - has not PZ | Nitra |
15. | Travertínová kopa | 0.0140 circuit 60 m | Levice |
16. | Trnovské rameno | 6.5786 circuit 60 m | Šaľa |
17. | Veľký Inovec | 8.4000 circuit 60 m | Zlaté Moravce |
18. | Vlčianske mŕtve rameno | 8.2394 circuit 60 m | Šaľa |
19. | Zlepencová terasa | 1.2076 circuit 60 m | Levice |
(**) Area of the protected area - its area in ha in total (not the area in the territory of the region) / area of protection (buffer) zone in ha total (not in region)
PZ - Protection (buffer) zone(*) State: 31.12.2022
List of Protected landscape elements (PLE) in Slovakia - Nitra Region
There are no locations in the region
Beech Forests of the Carpathians - UNESCO Natural Heritage Nitra Region - list
There are no beech forests of the carpathians - unesco natural heritage in the region
Caves of the Slovak Karst - UNESCO Natural Heritage Nitra Region
(selected sites)
There are no caves of the slovak karst - unesco natural heritage in the region
List of Biosphere Reserves (BR) in Slovakia - Nitra Region
There are no locations in the region
Nature Park (NPK) in Slovakia - Nitra Region
There are no locations in the region
Municipality protected areas (MPA) in Slovakia - Nitra Region
There are no locations in the region
Natura 2000 in Slovakia
There are included in the NATURA 2000 system:
Territories of European importance
Informations can be found on the website
Protected bird areas
List of Protected bird areas (PBA) in Slovakia - Nitra Region
Nr. | Name | Area in ha / PZ in ha (*)(**) | District |
1. | Dolné Považie | 31,195.5000 - | Komárno, Nové Zámky |
2. | Tribeč | 23,802.8000 - | Nitra, Topoľčany, Zlaté Moravce |
3. | Ostrovné lúky | 8,297.7000 - | Komárno |
4. | Poiplie | 8,062.9000 - | Levice |
5. | Kráľová | 1,215.8200 - | Šaľa |
6. | Parížske močiare | 376.5800 - | Nové Zámky |
7. | Dolné Pohronie | 229.3200 - | Komárno, Levice, Nové Zámky |
8. | Žitavský luh | 155.4000 - | Nitra, Nové Zámky |
9. | Dunajské luhy | 16,511.5800 - | Komárno, Nové Zámky |
(**) Area of the protected area - its area in ha in total (not the area in the territory of the region) / area of protection (buffer) zone in ha total (not in region)
(*) State: 31.12.2022
(*) Source:
Ramsar sites - Nitra Region
Nr. | Nr. | Area ha | Location - Short description (*) | Region - District | Municipality (**) |
1. | Parížske močiare (Pariz marshes) | 184.00 | Region Nitra (Nitriansky kraj) - district Nové Zámky | Gbelce, Nová Vieska | |
2. | Dunajské luhy (Danube flood plains) | 14,488.00 | Region Bratislava (Bratislavský kraj) - districts Bratislava II, Bratislava V, Senec, Region Trnava (Trnavský kraj) - district Dunajská Streda, Region Nitra (Nitriansky kraj) - district Komárno | Baka, Bodíky, Bratislava, Číčov, Čunovo, Dobrohošť, Gabčíkovo, Hamuliakovo, Kalinkovo, Klížska Nemá, Kľúčovec, Kyselica, Medveďov, Mliečno, Nové Košariská, Podunajské Biskupice, Rohovce, Rusovce, Ružinov, Sap, Trávnik, Veľké Kosihy, Vojka nad Dunajom, Zlatná na Ostrove | |
3. | Poiplie | 410.90 | Region Nitra (Nitriansky kraj) - districts Levice, Region Banska Bystrica (Banskobystrický kraj) - district Veľký Krtíš | Ipeľské Predmostie, Šahy |
(*) Location - Short description
(**) Municipality or Cadastral area