Nitra Region / Protection of Monuments
List of most important national cultural monuments - Nitra Region
List of monument reservations - Nitra Region
UNESCO cultural heritage - Nitra Region
List of monument reservations - Nitra Region
UNESCO cultural heritage - Nitra Region
List of most important national cultural monuments - Nitra Region
Nr. | Name City/Municipality or Location | Type | Since year | City/Municipality | District |
1. | Fortifikačný systém mesta Komárno | NNKP | 1985 | Komárno | Komárno |
2. | Historický fond Diecéznej knižnice Nitra | NNKP | 1990 | Nitra | Nitra |
3. | Hrad a nálezisko staroslovan. osídlenia Nitra | NNKP | 1961 | Nitra | Nitra |
4. | Kaštieľ Topoľčianky | NNKP | 1970 | Topoľčianky | Zlaté Moravce |
5. | Kostol sv. Juraja Kostoľany p. Tríbečom | NNKP | 1970 | Kostoľany pod Tribečom | Zlaté Moravce |
6. | Protiturecká pevnosť Komárno | NNKP | 1970 | Komárno | Komárno |
7. | Rímsky vojenský tábor Leányvár Iža | NNKP | 1990 | Iža | Komárno |
(*) NNKP - Immovable National cultural monument, HNKP - Movable National Cultural Monument
List of monument reservations - Nitra Region
Nr. | Nr. Municipality or Location |
Type (*) | Date of declaration | City/Municipality | District |
1. | Mestská pamiatková rezervácia Nitra | MPR | 21.1.1981 | Nitra | Nitra |
2. | Pamiatková rezervácia ľudovej architektúry Brhlovce | PRLS | 14.9.1983 | Brhlovce | Levice |
(*) PR - Monument reserve, MPR - City monument reservation,
PRLS - Monument reserve of folk architecture, PRTD - Monument reservation of technical works
PRLS - Monument reserve of folk architecture, PRTD - Monument reservation of technical works
UNESCO cultural heritage - Nitra Region
Nr. | Name | Location UNESCO |
1. | Roman military camp (kastel) in municipality of Iža | Frontiers of the Roman Empire – The Danube Limes (Western Segment) |