Prešov Region / Districts
Districts in Prešov Region
Districts by population in Prešov Region
The district with the largest population is Prešov district with a population 174,741). The district with the second largest population is Poprad district with a population 102,038. The district with the third largest population is Vranov nad Topľou district with a population 79,295. District with the smallest population is Medzilaborce district which has 10,665 inhabitants.
Districts by area in Prešov Region
The largest district in Prešov Region by area is district Poprad with an area 1,104.76 km2. The second largest district in Prešov Region by area is the district Bardejov with an area 935.99 km2. The third largest district in Prešov Region by area is the district Prešov with an area 933.95 km2. The smallest district in Prešov Region by area is district Stropkov which has an area 388.93 km2.
Districts by number of municipalities in Prešov Region
The district with the largest number of municipalities is Prešov district with 91 municipalities. The district with the second largest number of municipalities is Bardejov district with 86 municipalities. The district with the third largest number of municipalities is Svidník district with 68 municipalities. District with the smallest number of municipalities is Medzilaborce district which has 23 municipalities.
Nr. | District |
NR inhabitans (*) | Area km2 (*) | Density of population / km2 |
Municipalities nr |
1. | Bardejov | 75,547 | 936 (935.985087) | 80.71 | 86 |
2. | Humenné | 58,688 | 754 (754.238069) | 77.81 | 62 |
3. | Kežmarok | 75,188 | 630 (629.870303) | 119.37 | 41 |
4. | Levoča | 33,192 | 421 (421.001569) | 78.84 | 33 |
5. | Medzilaborce | 10,665 | 427 (427.252072) | 24.96 | 23 |
6. | Poprad | 102,038 | 1,105 (1,104.758434) | 92.36 | 29 |
7. | Prešov | 174,741 | 934 (933.954989) | 187.10 | 91 |
8. | Sabinov | 61,542 | 545 (545.448530) | 112.83 | 43 |
9. | Snina | 34,071 | 805 (804.744186) | 42.34 | 34 |
10. | Stará Ľubovňa | 53,107 | 708 (707.866759) | 75.02 | 44 |
11. | Stropkov | 19,553 | 389 (388.931630) | 50.27 | 43 |
12. | Svidník | 31,183 | 550 (549.607373) | 56.74 | 68 |
13. | Vranov nad Topľou | 79,295 | 769 (769.233414) | 103.08 | 68 |
Total: (13) | 808,810 (*) | 8,973.00 (8,972.892415) | 665 |
(*) Source: