Prešov Region / Nature protection
Below are the protected natural areas that are located in Prešov Region or extend into Prešov Region.
Categories of protected areas
National Park (NP)
Protected Landscape Area (PLA)
Protected Area (PA)
National nature reservation (NNR)
National natural monument (NNM)
Nature reserve (NR)
Natural monument (NM)
Protected landscape element (PLE)
Nature Park (NPK)
Municipality protected area (MPA)
Protected Landscape Area (PLA)
Protected Area (PA)
National nature reservation (NNR)
National natural monument (NNM)
Nature reserve (NR)
Natural monument (NM)
Protected landscape element (PLE)
Nature Park (NPK)
Municipality protected area (MPA)
Natural areas of international importance
Beech Forests of the Carpathians - UNESCO Natural Heritage
Caves of the Slovak Karst - UNESCO Natural Heritage
List of Biosphere Reserves (BR) in Slovakia
Natura 2000
Ramsar sites
Caves of the Slovak Karst - UNESCO Natural Heritage
List of Biosphere Reserves (BR) in Slovakia
Natura 2000
Ramsar sites
List of National Parks in Slovakia - Prešov Region
Nr. | Name | Area in ha / PZ in ha (*)(**) | District |
1. | Tatra National Park (Tatranský národný park - TANAP) | 73,800.0000 30,703.0000 | Kežmarok, Poprad |
2. | Pieniny National Park (Pieninský národný park - PIENAP) | 3,749.6226 22,444.1676 | Kežmarok, Stará Ľubovňa |
3. | National park Low Tatras (Národný park Nízke Tatry - NAPANT) | 72,842.0000 110,162.0000 | Poprad |
4. | Slovak Paradise National Park (Národný park Slovenský raj - NPSR) | 19,413.6700 5,474.7600 | Poprad |
5. | Poloniny National Park (Národný park Poloniny - NPP) | 29,805.0514 10,973.2893 | Snina |
(**) Area of the protected area - its area in ha in total (not the area in the territory of the region) / area of protection (buffer) zone in ha total (not in region)
PZ - Protection (buffer) zone(*) State: 31.12.2022
List of Protected landscape areas (PLA) in Slovakia - Prešov Region
Nr. | Name | Area in ha / PZ in ha (*)(**) | District |
1. | Vihorlatský primaeval forest (Vihorlat) | 17,485.2428 - | Humenné, Snina |
2. | East Carpathians (Východné Karpaty) | 25,307.1072 - | Medzilaborce, Snina, Stropkov, Svidník |
(**) Area of the protected area - its area in ha in total (not the area in the territory of the region) / area of protection (buffer) zone in ha total (not in region)
PZ - Protection (buffer) zone(*) State: 31.12.2022
List of Protected sites (PS) in Slovakia - Prešov Region
Nr. | Name | Area in ha / PZ in ha (*)(**) | District |
1. | Driečna | 0.3817 has not PZ | Stropkov |
2. | Dubnícke bane | 6.0000 has not PZ | Prešov |
3. | Medzianske skalky | 4.0000 has not PZ | Vranov nad Topľou |
4. | Plavečské štrkoviská | 66.1448 has not PZ | Stará Ľubovňa |
5. | Radomská slatina | 0.9980 has not PZ | Svidník |
6. | Radvanovské skalky | 0.7619 has not PZ | Vranov nad Topľou |
7. | Štefanovská borina | 2.0400 has not PZ | Vranov nad Topľou |
8. | Horný tok Chotčianky | 2.5571 has not PZ | Stropkov |
9. | Horný tok Výravy | 19.4700 has not PZ | Medzilaborce |
10. | Laborec | 24.9600 has not PZ | Medzilaborce |
(**) Area of the protected area - its area in ha in total (not the area in the territory of the region) / area of protection (buffer) zone in ha total (not in region)
PZ - Protection (buffer) zone(*) State: 31.12.2022
List of National nature reservations (NNR) - Prešov Region
Nr. | Name | Area in ha / PZ in ha (*)(**) | District |
1. | Batizovská dolina | 523.1900 circuit 100 m | Poprad |
2. | Becherovská tisina | 24.1300 circuit 100 m | Bardejov |
3. | Belianske lúky | 89.4206 circuit 100 m | Kežmarok |
4. | Belianske Tatry | 5,407.6500 circuit 100 m | Poprad |
5. | Bielovodská dolina | 3,712.1400 circuit 100 m | Poprad |
6. | Čergovská javorina | 10.7200 circuit 100 m | Prešov |
7. | Čergovský Minčol | 171.0836 circuit 100 m | Bardejov, Sabinov, Stará Ľubovňa |
8. | Dolina Bielej vody | 1,661.1100 circuit 100 m | Poprad |
9. | Dreveník | 101.8186 circuit 100 m | Levoča |
10. | Furkotská dolina | 842.4300 circuit 100 m | Poprad |
11. | Gýmešský jarok | 20.6200 circuit 100 m | Prešov |
12. | Havešová | 171.3200 circuit 100 m | Snina |
13. | Hnilecká jelšina | 15.2600 circuit 100 m | Poprad |
14. | Hradová hora | 13.4900 circuit 100 m | Sabinov |
15. | Hranovnická dubina | 66.4900 circuit 100 m | Poprad |
16. | Humenská | 70.3700 circuit 100 m | Humenné |
17. | Humenský Sokol | 241.5000 circuit 100 m | Humenné |
18. | Jarabá skala | 359.9400 circuit 100 m | Snina |
19. | Javorová dolina | 2,250.8900 circuit 100 m | Poprad |
20. | Kamenná Baba | 127.5900 circuit 100 m | Prešov |
21. | Kokošovská dubina | 20.0000 23.6300 | Prešov |
22. | Komárnická jedlina | 74.7000 has not PZ | Svidník |
23. | Kôprová dolina | 3,220.9200 circuit 100 m | Poprad |
24. | Kyjovský prales | 397.4197 has not PZ | Humenné |
25. | Mengusovská dolina | 1,612.9600 circuit 100 m | Poprad |
26. | Mlynická dolina | 704.2900 circuit 100 m | Poprad |
27. | Mokriny | 882.8200 circuit 100 m | Kežmarok, Poprad |
28. | Mraznica | 159.8000 circuit 100 m | Poprad |
29. | Oblík | 90.0000 circuit 100 m | Vranov nad Topľou |
30. | Palotská jedlina | 157.1500 circuit 100 m | Medzilaborce |
31. | Pľaša | 110.8000 circuit 100 m | Snina |
32. | Pod Ruským | 11.1412 circuit 100 m | Snina |
33. | Pramenisko Tople | 28.6600 circuit 100 m | Bardejov |
34. | Pramenište | 45.5700 circuit 100 m | Poprad |
35. | Rajtopíky | 119.6700 circuit 100 m | Levoča |
36. | Regetovské rašelinisko | 2.5519 circuit 100 m | Bardejov |
37. | Rožok | 67.1300 circuit 100 m | Snina |
38. | Sivá Brada | 19.5472 circuit 100 m | Levoča |
39. | Skalnatá dolina | 1,069.0500 circuit 100 m | Poprad |
40. | Slavkovská dolina | 979.0000 circuit 100 m | Poprad |
41. | Stebnícká Magura | 184.2400 circuit 100 m | Bardejov |
42. | Stinská | 90.7800 circuit 100 m | Snina |
43. | Studené doliny | 2,222.4100 circuit 100 m | Poprad |
44. | Stužica | 761.4900 circuit 100 m | Snina |
45. | Šarišský hradný vrch | 145.7400 circuit 100 m | Prešov |
46. | Šimonka | 33.5200 circuit 100 m | Prešov, Vranov nad Topľou |
47. | Štôlska dolina | 739.9600 circuit 100 m | Poprad |
48. | Tichá dolina | 5,966.6400 circuit 100 m | Poprad |
49. | Uhlištiatka | 385.5100 circuit 100 m | Poprad |
50. | Važecká dolina | 1,185.8600 circuit 100 m | Poprad |
51. | Velická dolina | 1,217.2200 circuit 100 m | Poprad |
(**) Area of the protected area - its area in ha in total (not the area in the territory of the region) / area of protection (buffer) zone in ha total (not in region)
PZ - Protection (buffer) zone(*) State: 31.12.2022
List of National natural monuments (NNM) in Slovakia - Prešov Region
Nr. | Name | Area in ha / PZ in ha (*)(**) | District |
1. | Aksamitka Jaskyňa | - has not PZ | Stará Ľubovňa |
2. | Belianska jaskyňa Jaskyňa | - has not PZ | Poprad |
3. | Gánovské travertíny | 2.0276 circuit 60 m | Poprad |
4. | Javorinka Jaskyňa | - has not PZ | Poprad |
5. | Važecká jaskyňa Jaskyňa | - 87.3728 | Poprad |
(**) Area of the protected area - its area in ha in total (not the area in the territory of the region) / area of protection (buffer) zone in ha total (not in region)
PZ - Protection (buffer) zone(*) State: 31.12.2022
List of Nature reserves (NR) in Slovakia - Prešov Region
Nr. | Name | Area in ha / PZ in ha (*)(**) | District |
1. | Baba | 205.1500 circuit 100 m | Poprad |
2. | Bahno | 2.7800 circuit 100 m | Snina |
3. | Beskyd | 49.4400 has not PZ | Medzilaborce |
4. | Bišar | 1.6741 circuit 100 m | Sabinov |
5. | Blatá | 37.7000 circuit 100 m | Poprad |
6. | Bor | 133.6100 circuit 100 m | Poprad |
7. | Borsučiny | 83.7200 circuit 100 m | Snina |
8. | Borsukov vrch | 146.7900 has not PZ | Snina |
9. | Bôrik | 20.7400 circuit 100 m | Poprad |
10. | Brezina | 1.1600 circuit 100 m | Poprad |
11. | Bzaná | 15.4600 circuit 100 m | Snina |
12. | Čertižnianske lúky | 1.3636 circuit 100 m | Medzilaborce |
13. | Čikovská | 6.2000 circuit 100 m | Poprad |
14. | Demjatské kopce | 8.6817 circuit 100 m | Prešov |
15. | Dranec | 34.2200 circuit 100 m | Svidník |
16. | Dubová hora | 61.3400 circuit 100 m | Prešov |
17. | Dunitová skalka | 0.3507 circuit 100 m | Prešov |
18. | Ďurova mláka | 2.1375 circuit 100 m | Snina |
19. | Fintické svahy | 41.3300 circuit 100 m | Prešov |
20. | Fľak | 37.9300 circuit 100 m | Poprad |
21. | Gazdoráň | 17.3000 circuit 100 m | Snina |
22. | Goliašová | 27.2900 circuit 100 m | Poprad |
23. | Grapa | 40.8600 circuit 100 m | Poprad |
24. | Grúnik | 4.6000 circuit 100 m | Snina |
25. | Haburské rašelinisko | 1.3400 circuit 100 m | Medzilaborce |
26. | Hájik | 4.1800 circuit 100 m | Levoča |
27. | Hermanovské skaly | 33.0700 circuit 100 m | Vranov nad Topľou |
28. | Hlboké | 2.2800 circuit 100 m | Snina |
29. | Hlinianska jelšina | 46.1500 circuit 100 m | Vranov nad Topľou |
30. | Hostovické lúky | 4.6861 circuit 100 m | Snina |
31. | Hrádok nad Pavúčou dolinou | 105.1000 circuit 100 m | Poprad |
32. | Chlmecká skalka | 1.1008 circuit 100 m | Humenné |
33. | Iľovnica | 8.4500 has not PZ | Humenné |
34. | Jarčiská | 0.4540 circuit 100 m | Medzilaborce |
35. | Jasenovská bučina | 21.4700 circuit 100 m | Humenné |
36. | Jedliny | 32.8900 circuit 100 m | Poprad |
37. | Jelšina | 16.4300 circuit 100 m | Poprad |
38. | Jezerské jazero | 2.1800 circuit 100 m | Kežmarok |
39. | Kapušiansky hradný vrch | 18.1000 circuit 100 m | Prešov |
40. | Kút | 11.2200 circuit 100 m | Kežmarok |
41. | Livovská jelšina | 13.1700 circuit 100 m | Bardejov |
42. | Malé jazerá | 7.0600 circuit 100 m | Kežmarok |
43. | Martalúzka | 154.8200 circuit 100 m | Poprad |
44. | Mirkovská kosatcová lúka | 1.1394 circuit 100 m | Prešov |
45. | Miroľská slatina | 0.9676 circuit 100 m | Svidník |
46. | Na bani | 7.8500 circuit 100 m | Levoča |
47. | Pálenica | 291.2000 circuit 100 m | Kežmarok, Poprad |
48. | Pastierske | 2.9300 circuit 100 m | Poprad |
49. | Pavlová | 58.4900 circuit 100 m | Poprad |
50. | Pod Beskydom | 8.4546 circuit 100 m | Bardejov |
51. | Pod Črchľou | 31.8200 circuit 100 m | Poprad |
52. | Poš | 20.8200 circuit 100 m | Kežmarok, Poprad |
53. | Primovské skaly | 7.6081 circuit 100 m | Poprad |
54. | Pusté pole | 6.2370 circuit 100 m | Prešov |
55. | Radomka | 15.5402 circuit 100 m | Svidník |
56. | Rašelinisko | 0.3200 circuit 100 m | Poprad |
57. | Roztoky | 1.0296 circuit 100 m | Snina |
58. | Ruské | 1.4614 circuit 100 m | Snina |
59. | Salvátorské lúky | 2.6765 circuit 100 m | Prešov |
60. | Skalka | 36.1500 circuit 100 m | Poprad |
61. | Slatina pod Lieskovcom | 0.7118 circuit 100 m | Bardejov |
62. | Slatina pri Šarišskom Jastrabí | 2.1403 circuit 100 m | Stará Ľubovňa |
63. | Slavkovský jarok | 2.4800 circuit 100 m | Kežmarok |
64. | Stinská slatina | 2.7600 circuit 100 m | Snina |
65. | Stružnická dolina | 2.2400 circuit 100 m | Snina |
66. | Surovec | 41.7500 circuit 100 m | Poprad |
67. | Šindliar | 7.6900 circuit 100 m | Prešov |
68. | Šípková | 156.3200 circuit 100 m | Snina |
69. | Švábovská stráň | 18.2579 circuit 100 m | Poprad |
70. | Udava | 391.9800 has not PZ | Snina |
71. | Uličská Ostrá | 25.2400 circuit 100 m | Snina |
72. | Valalská voda | 14.4279 circuit 100 m | Sabinov |
73. | Veľké osturnianske jazero | 48.8100 circuit 100 m | Kežmarok |
74. | Vlčia Súkromné | 21.2400 has not PZ | Sabinov |
75. | Zámutovská jelšina | 0.6600 2.3200 | Vranov nad Topľou |
76. | Zámutovské skaly | 30.6700 circuit 100 m | Vranov nad Topľou |
77. | Zbojnícky zámok | 8.0000 circuit 100 m | Prešov |
78. | Zborovský hradný vrch | 25.5100 circuit 100 m | Bardejov |
79. | Brezové | 16.8493 circuit 100 m | Poprad |
80. | Rydošová | 88.3470 circuit 100 m | Snina |
81. | Veľký Bukovec | 973.9761 4,986.4508 | Snina |
82. | Vihorlatský prales | 2,160.5440 246.1247 | Humenné, Snina |
83. | Pralesy Slovenska - Busov | 28.0754 has not PZ | Bardejov |
84. | Pralesy Slovenska - Čierna hora | 9.0579 has not PZ | Vranov nad Topľou |
85. | Pralesy Slovenska - Holičná | 32.0058 has not PZ | Poprad |
86. | Pralesy Slovenska - Kráľova hoľa | 186.8856 has not PZ | Poprad |
87. | Pralesy Slovenska - Kujavy | 31.2118 has not PZ | Prešov |
88. | Pralesy Slovenska - Sivá skala | 43.5771 has not PZ | Bardejov |
89. | Pralesy Slovenska - Stebnícka Magura | 14.0278 has not PZ | Bardejov |
90. | Pralesy Slovenska - Šimonka | 47.4600 has not PZ | Vranov nad Topľou |
(**) Area of the protected area - its area in ha in total (not the area in the territory of the region) / area of protection (buffer) zone in ha total (not in region)
PZ - Protection (buffer) zone(*) State: 31.12.2022
List of Natural monuments (NM) in Slovakia - Prešov Region
Nr. | Name | Area in ha / PZ in ha (*)(**) | District |
1. | Beliansky potok | 2.5201 has not PZ | Kežmarok |
2. | Bradlové pásmo | 20.1214 circuit 60 m | Sabinov |
3. | Brekovská jaskyňa Jaskyňa | - 15.2648 | Humenné |
4. | Briežky | 0.2962 circuit 60 m | Poprad |
5. | Čierny potok | 2.7642 circuit 60 m | Humenné |
6. | Elektrárenská jaskyňa Verejnosti voľne prístupná jaskyňa | - has not PZ | Poprad |
7. | Hrabkovské zlepence | 0.8719 circuit 60 m | Prešov |
8. | Hučivá diera Verejnosti voľne prístupná jaskyňa | - has not PZ | Poprad |
9. | Jaskyňa v Čube Verejnosti voľne prístupná jaskyňa | - has not PZ | Stará Ľubovňa |
10. | Jaskyňa v Skalke Verejnosti voľne prístupná jaskyňa | - has not PZ | Kežmarok |
11. | Jazerec | 0.3100 circuit 60 m | Levoča |
12. | Jazero | 14.3578 circuit 60 m | Kežmarok |
13. | Komín Verejnosti voľne prístupná jaskyňa | - has not PZ | Prešov |
14. | Kyjovské bradielko | 0.6428 circuit 60 m | Stará Ľubovňa |
15. | Litmanovský potok | 14.4191 circuit 60 m | Stará Ľubovňa |
16. | Lysá hora | 1.1389 circuit 60 m | Stará Ľubovňa |
17. | Okrúhly kopec | 5.4883 circuit 60 m | Stará Ľubovňa |
18. | Ostrá hora | 29.3240 circuit 60 m | Levoča |
19. | Pažitské jazierko | 0.1101 circuit 60 m | Levoča |
20. | Petkovský potok | 6.7600 circuit 60 m | Vranov nad Topľou |
21. | Podhorské | 0.4585 circuit 60 m | Levoča |
22. | Podmorský zosuv | 0.5063 circuit 60 m | Prešov |
23. | Rebrá | 8.2160 circuit 60 m | Stará Ľubovňa |
24. | Skalná ihla | 0.1400 circuit 60 m | Stará Ľubovňa |
25. | Skaly pod Pariakovou | 60.0000 circuit 60 m | Vranov nad Topľou |
26. | Travertínová kopa Sobotisko | 13.3200 circuit 60 m | Levoča |
27. | Údolské skalky | 0.7549 circuit 60 m | Stará Ľubovňa |
28. | Ulička | 7.2492 circuit 60 m | Snina |
29. | Zapikan | 1.0000 circuit 60 m | Vranov nad Topľou |
30. | Zárez Stravného potoka | 4.0468 circuit 60 m | Vranov nad Topľou |
31. | Zlá diera Jaskyňa | - has not PZ | Prešov |
32. | Zlatá brázda | 1.6160 circuit 60 m | Levoča |
33. | Žipovské mŕtve rameno | 2.2724 circuit 60 m | Vranov nad Topľou |
(**) Area of the protected area - its area in ha in total (not the area in the territory of the region) / area of protection (buffer) zone in ha total (not in region)
PZ - Protection (buffer) zone(*) State: 31.12.2022
List of Protected landscape elements (PLE) in Slovakia - Prešov Region
There are no locations in the region
Beech Forests of the Carpathians - UNESCO Natural Heritage Prešov Region - list
Nr. | Name | Region - District | Municipality (***) |
1. | Havešová - karpatský bukový prales | Prešov Region District Snina |
Kalná Roztoka |
2. | Rožok - karpatský bukový prales | Prešov Region District Snina |
Uličské Krivé |
3. | Stužica - karpatský bukový prales | Prešov Region District Snina |
Nová Sedlica |
(***) Municipality or Cadastral area
Caves of the Slovak Karst - UNESCO Natural Heritage Prešov Region
(selected sites)
There are no caves of the slovak karst - unesco natural heritage in the region
List of Biosphere Reserves (BR) in Slovakia - Prešov Region
Nr. | Name | Area in ha / PZ in ha (*)(**) | District |
1. | Tatra National Park (Tatranský národný park - TANAP) | 73,800.0000 30,703.0000 | Kežmarok, Poprad |
2. | East Carpathians (Východné Karpaty) | 25,307.1072 - | Medzilaborce, Snina, Stropkov, Svidník |
(**) Area of the protected area - its area in ha in total (not the area in the territory of the region) / area of protection (buffer) zone in ha total (not in region)
PZ - Protection (buffer) zone(*) State: 31.12.2022
Nature Park (NPK) in Slovakia - Prešov Region
There are no locations in the region
Municipality protected areas (MPA) in Slovakia - Prešov Region
Nr. | Name | Area in ha / PZ in ha (*)(**) | District |
1. | Obecné chránené územie Mesta Veľký Šariš Obecné | 19.5580 has not PZ | Prešov |
2. | Rička Obecné | 350.4952 has not PZ | Stará Ľubovňa |
(**) Area of the protected area - its area in ha in total (not the area in the territory of the region) / area of protection (buffer) zone in ha total (not in region)
PZ - Protection (buffer) zone(*) State: 31.12.2022
Natura 2000 in Slovakia
There are included in the NATURA 2000 system:
Territories of European importance
Informations can be found on the website
Protected bird areas
List of Protected bird areas (PBA) in Slovakia - Prešov Region
Nr. | Name | Area in ha / PZ in ha (*)(**) | District |
1. | Bukovské vrchy | 40,932.4200 - | Snina |
2. | Laborecká vrchovina | 102,813.9100 - | Humenné, Medzilaborce, Snina, Stropkov, Svidník |
3. | Nízke Tatry | 98,168.5200 - | Poprad |
4. | Slanské vrchy | 60,247.4200 - | Prešov, Vranov nad Topľou |
5. | Vihorlatské vrchy | 48,286.2639 - | Humenné, Snina |
6. | Volovské vrchy | 121,420.6500 - | Prešov |
7. | Slovenský raj | 25,243.0000 - | Poprad |
8. | Tatry | 54,611.2900 - | Poprad |
9. | Čergov | 35,849.7100 - | Bardejov, Prešov, Sabinov, Stará Ľubovňa |
10. | Levočské vrchy | 45,597.6347 - | Kežmarok, Levoča, Sabinov, Stará Ľubovňa |
(**) Area of the protected area - its area in ha in total (not the area in the territory of the region) / area of protection (buffer) zone in ha total (not in region)
(*) State: 31.12.2022
(*) Source:
Ramsar sites - Prešov Region
There are no Ramsar sites in the region