Trnava Region / Nature protection
Below are the protected natural areas that are located in Trnava Region or extend into Trnava Region.
Categories of protected areas
National Park (NP)
Protected Landscape Area (PLA)
Protected Area (PA)
National nature reservation (NNR)
National natural monument (NNM)
Nature reserve (NR)
Natural monument (NM)
Protected landscape element (PLE)
Nature Park (NPK)
Municipality protected area (MPA)
Protected Landscape Area (PLA)
Protected Area (PA)
National nature reservation (NNR)
National natural monument (NNM)
Nature reserve (NR)
Natural monument (NM)
Protected landscape element (PLE)
Nature Park (NPK)
Municipality protected area (MPA)
Natural areas of international importance
Beech Forests of the Carpathians - UNESCO Natural Heritage
Caves of the Slovak Karst - UNESCO Natural Heritage
List of Biosphere Reserves (BR) in Slovakia
Natura 2000
Ramsar sites
Caves of the Slovak Karst - UNESCO Natural Heritage
List of Biosphere Reserves (BR) in Slovakia
Natura 2000
Ramsar sites
List of National Parks in Slovakia - Trnava Region
There are no locations in the region
List of Protected landscape areas (PLA) in Slovakia - Trnava Region
Nr. | Name | Area in ha / PZ in ha (*)(**) | District |
1. | White Carpathians (Biele Karpaty) | 44,568.0000 - | Skalica |
2. | Dunajské luhy | 12,284.4609 - | Dunajská Streda |
3. | Little Carpathians (Malé Karpaty) | 64,610.1202 - | Trnava |
(**) Area of the protected area - its area in ha in total (not the area in the territory of the region) / area of protection (buffer) zone in ha total (not in region)
PZ - Protection (buffer) zone(*) State: 31.12.2022
List of Protected sites (PS) in Slovakia - Trnava Region
Nr. | Name | Area in ha / PZ in ha (*)(**) | District |
1. | Abrahámsky park | 10.8459 has not PZ | Galanta |
2. | Bahno | 49.6500 has not PZ | Senica |
3. | Búdkovianske rybníky | 14.0744 has not PZ | Skalica |
4. | Čiližské močiare | 88.6569 has not PZ | Dunajská Streda |
5. | Dedova jama | 29.5700 has not PZ | Hlohovec |
6. | Gabčíkovský park | 27.5000 has not PZ | Dunajská Streda |
7. | Galantský park | 3.3927 has not PZ | Galanta |
8. | Hubický park | 39.0000 has not PZ | Dunajská Streda |
9. | Jubilejný les | 14.9800 has not PZ | Senica |
10. | Konopiská | 7.5153 has not PZ | Dunajská Streda |
11. | Košútsky park | 1.9050 has not PZ | Galanta |
12. | Kotlina | 616.6900 has not PZ | Senica |
13. | Kráľovičovokračiansky park | 12.8700 has not PZ | Dunajská Streda |
14. | Malé Vážky | 3.4877 has not PZ | Hlohovec |
15. | Park pri ihrisku | 2.6582 has not PZ | Galanta |
16. | Rohovský park | 12.8100 has not PZ | Dunajská Streda |
17. | Rudava | 1,958.6600 has not PZ | Senica |
18. | Seredský park | 8.4163 has not PZ | Galanta |
19. | Sládkovičovský park | 1.2020 has not PZ | Galanta |
20. | Sĺňava | 399.0014 66.5534 | Piešťany |
21. | Šalgočiansky park | 2.6051 has not PZ | Galanta |
22. | Štepnické rameno | 2.1362 5.4300 | Skalica |
23. | Tomášikovský park | 22.8866 has not PZ | Galanta |
24. | Tonkovský park | 6.7200 has not PZ | Dunajská Streda |
25. | Trnavské rybníky | 38.4248 23.1810 | Trnava |
26. | Vlčkovský háj | 61.3600 has not PZ | Trnava |
27. | Vodná nádrž Petrova Ves | 34.8036 has not PZ | Skalica |
28. | Všivavec | 34.1109 has not PZ | Trnava |
(**) Area of the protected area - its area in ha in total (not the area in the territory of the region) / area of protection (buffer) zone in ha total (not in region)
PZ - Protection (buffer) zone(*) State: 31.12.2022
List of National nature reservations (NNR) - Trnava Region
Nr. | Name | Area in ha / PZ in ha (*)(**) | District |
1. | Červený rybník | 118.9100 circuit 100 m | Senica |
2. | Číčovské mŕtve rameno | 79.8715 55.2553 | Dunajská Streda |
3. | Dubník | 165.1900 circuit 100 m | Galanta |
4. | Hlboča | 123.0700 circuit 100 m | Trnava |
5. | Klátovské rameno | 306.4400 circuit 100 m | Dunajská Streda |
6. | Ostrov orliaka morského | 22.7700 circuit 100 m | Dunajská Streda |
7. | Záruby | 299.9900 circuit 100 m | Trnava |
8. | Zelienka | 141.6800 circuit 100 m | Senica |
(**) Area of the protected area - its area in ha in total (not the area in the territory of the region) / area of protection (buffer) zone in ha total (not in region)
PZ - Protection (buffer) zone(*) State: 31.12.2022
List of National natural monuments (NNM) in Slovakia - Trnava Region
Nr. | Name | Area in ha / PZ in ha (*)(**) | District |
1. | Driny Jaskyňa | - 11.7000 | Trnava |
(**) Area of the protected area - its area in ha in total (not the area in the territory of the region) / area of protection (buffer) zone in ha total (not in region)
PZ - Protection (buffer) zone(*) State: 31.12.2022
List of Nature reserves (NR) in Slovakia - Trnava Region
Nr. | Name | Area in ha / PZ in ha (*)(**) | District |
1. | Bolehlav | 93.5700 circuit 100 m | Trnava |
2. | Buková | 9.4493 circuit 100 m | Trnava |
3. | Čerenec | 1.5000 circuit 100 m | Piešťany |
4. | Čierna skala | 29.7100 circuit 100 m | Trnava |
5. | Foráš | 115.5200 has not PZ | Dunajská Streda |
6. | Hetméň | 14.7100 circuit 100 m | Dunajská Streda |
7. | Chríb | 15.8900 circuit 100 m | Piešťany |
8. | Jasenácke | 49.9200 circuit 100 m | Senica |
9. | Jurovský les | 2.1369 circuit 100 m | Dunajská Streda |
10. | Kamenec | 61.6200 circuit 100 m | Senica |
11. | Katarína | 18.0000 circuit 100 m | Trnava |
12. | Klokoč | 21.5900 circuit 100 m | Trnava |
13. | Lančársky Dubník | 27.0240 circuit 100 m | Piešťany |
14. | Lošonský háj | 24.2600 circuit 100 m | Trnava |
15. | Mačiansky háj | 25.3300 circuit 100 m | Galanta |
16. | Málová | 16.1000 circuit 100 m | Piešťany |
17. | Opatovské jazierko | 2.3579 circuit 100 m | Dunajská Streda |
18. | Orlie skaly | 31.2300 circuit 100 m | Piešťany |
19. | Pod Holým vrchom | 12.9400 circuit 100 m | Piešťany |
20. | Sedliská | 5.8539 circuit 100 m | Hlohovec |
21. | Skalné okno | 12.2200 circuit 100 m | Trnava |
22. | Sládkovičovská duna | 1.1030 circuit 100 m | Galanta |
23. | Slopy | 153.8700 circuit 100 m | Trnava |
24. | Šmatlavé uhlisko | 8.4400 circuit 100 m | Skalica |
25. | Vanišovec | 196.8400 circuit 100 m | Senica |
26. | Veterník | 18.4586 circuit 100 m | Skalica |
27. | Pralesy Slovenska - Veterlín | 32.2649 has not PZ | Trnava |
(**) Area of the protected area - its area in ha in total (not the area in the territory of the region) / area of protection (buffer) zone in ha total (not in region)
PZ - Protection (buffer) zone(*) State: 31.12.2022
List of Natural monuments (NM) in Slovakia - Trnava Region
Nr. | Name | Area in ha / PZ in ha (*)(**) | District |
1. | Čertov žľab | 23.5800 circuit 60 m | Trnava |
2. | Chropovská strž | 47.6631 circuit 60 m | Skalica |
3. | Chvojnica | 31.6515 circuit 60 m | Senica, Skalica |
4. | Ivanské rameno | 3.0800 circuit 60 m | Skalica |
5. | Kátovské rameno | 6.0500 circuit 60 m | Skalica |
6. | Kráľovská lúka | 3.2400 circuit 60 m | Dunajská Streda |
7. | Kyseľová | 18.1346 circuit 60 m | Senica |
8. | Ľahký kameň | 12.4000 circuit 60 m | Trnava |
9. | Mačiansky presyp | 1.2772 circuit 60 m | Galanta |
10. | Malá dolnosokolská jaskyňa Verejnosti voľne prístupná jaskyňa | - has not PZ | Piešťany |
11. | Malá Pec | 14.0600 circuit 60 m | Piešťany |
12. | Mníchova úboč | 25.2562 circuit 60 m | Senica |
13. | Mostovské presypy | 3.0721 circuit 60 m | Galanta |
14. | Raková | 8.6045 circuit 60 m | Skalica |
15. | Rieka Myjava | 34.9384 circuit 60 m | Senica |
16. | Štrkovské presypy | 1.7755 circuit 60 m | Galanta |
17. | Tomášikovský presyp | 0.9875 circuit 60 m | Galanta |
18. | Veľká dolnosokolská jaskyňa Verejnosti voľne prístupná jaskyňa | - has not PZ | Piešťany |
19. | Veľká pec Verejnosti voľne prístupná jaskyňa | - has not PZ | Piešťany |
20. | Veľký jarok | 0.8506 circuit 60 m | Piešťany |
21. | Visiace skaly | 0.9600 circuit 60 m | Piešťany |
22. | Vyvieračka pod Bachárkou | - 3.4700 | Trnava |
23. | Zrubárka | 13.2500 circuit 60 m | Senica |
(**) Area of the protected area - its area in ha in total (not the area in the territory of the region) / area of protection (buffer) zone in ha total (not in region)
PZ - Protection (buffer) zone(*) State: 31.12.2022
List of Protected landscape elements (PLE) in Slovakia - Trnava Region
There are no locations in the region
Beech Forests of the Carpathians - UNESCO Natural Heritage Trnava Region - list
There are no beech forests of the carpathians - unesco natural heritage in the region
Caves of the Slovak Karst - UNESCO Natural Heritage Trnava Region
(selected sites)
There are no caves of the slovak karst - unesco natural heritage in the region
List of Biosphere Reserves (BR) in Slovakia - Trnava Region
There are no locations in the region
Nature Park (NPK) in Slovakia - Trnava Region
There are no locations in the region
Municipality protected areas (MPA) in Slovakia - Trnava Region
Nr. | Name | Area in ha / PZ in ha (*)(**) | District |
1. | Barania zem Obecné | 1.9976 has not PZ | Piešťany |
2. | Čársky les Obecné | 42.5924 has not PZ | Senica |
3. | Lido Obecné | 8.2000 has not PZ | Piešťany |
4. | Obecné chránené územie obce Dolná Streda Obecné | - has not PZ | Galanta |
5. | Zámocký park v Hlohovci Obecné | 33.4186 has not PZ | Hlohovec |
(**) Area of the protected area - its area in ha in total (not the area in the territory of the region) / area of protection (buffer) zone in ha total (not in region)
PZ - Protection (buffer) zone(*) State: 31.12.2022
Natura 2000 in Slovakia
There are included in the NATURA 2000 system:
Territories of European importance
Informations can be found on the website
Protected bird areas
List of Protected bird areas (PBA) in Slovakia - Trnava Region
Nr. | Name | Area in ha / PZ in ha (*)(**) | District |
1. | Malé Karpaty | 50,633.6000 - | Piešťany, Senica, Trnava |
2. | Lehnice | 2,346.8500 - | Dunajská Streda |
3. | Ostrovné lúky | 8,297.7000 - | Dunajská Streda |
4. | Kráľová | 1,215.8200 - | Galanta |
5. | Sĺňava | 509.2700 - | Piešťany |
6. | Uľanská mokraď | 18,173.9100 - | Galanta, Trnava |
7. | Dunajské luhy | 16,511.5800 - | Dunajská Streda |
8. | Veľkoblahovské rybníky | 91.3400 - | Dunajská Streda |
9. | Záhorské Pomoravie | 33,067.9900 - | Senica, Skalica |
10. | Špačinsko-nižnianske polia | 5,533.5300 - | Piešťany, Trnava |
(**) Area of the protected area - its area in ha in total (not the area in the territory of the region) / area of protection (buffer) zone in ha total (not in region)
(*) State: 31.12.2022
(*) Source:
Ramsar sites - Trnava Region
Nr. | Nr. | Area ha | Location - Short description (*) | Region - District | Municipality (**) |
1. | Dunajské luhy (Danube flood plains) | 14,488.00 | Region Bratislava (Bratislavský kraj) - districts Bratislava II, Bratislava V, Senec, Region Trnava (Trnavský kraj) - district Dunajská Streda, Region Nitra (Nitriansky kraj) - district Komárno | Baka, Bodíky, Bratislava, Číčov, Čunovo, Dobrohošť, Gabčíkovo, Hamuliakovo, Kalinkovo, Klížska Nemá, Kľúčovec, Kyselica, Medveďov, Mliečno, Nové Košariská, Podunajské Biskupice, Rohovce, Rusovce, Ružinov, Sap, Trávnik, Veľké Kosihy, Vojka nad Dunajom, Zlatná na Ostrove | |
2. | Moravské luhy (Morava flood plains) | 5,380.00 | Region Bratislava (Bratislavský kraj) - districts Bratislava IV, Malacky, Region Trnava (Trnavský kraj) - districts Senica, Skalica | Bratislava (Devín, Devínska Nová Ves), Brodské, Gajary, Kúty, Malé Leváre, Moravský Svätý Ján, Sekule, Suchohrad, Veľké Leváre, Vysoká pri Morave, Záhorská Ves, Závod, Zohor | |
3. | Alúvium Rudavy (Rudava River Valley) | 560.00 | Region Bratislava (Bratislavský kraj) - district Malacky, Region Trnava (Trnavský kraj) - district Senica | Plavecké Podhradie, Plavecký Mikuláš, Plavecký Peter, Prievaly, Rohožník, Sološnica, Vojenský obvod Záhorie |
(*) Location - Short description
(**) Municipality or Cadastral area