Žilina Region

Category: Regions
Area of the region: 6,808.52 km2The population: 687,174
Population density: 100.93 / km2
Number of districts: 11
Number of cities and municipalities: 315
Number of protected natural areas and natural monuments: 209

Region borders Czech Republic in north-west, Poland in north, Prešov Region in the east, Banská Bystrica Region in the south, Trenčín Region in the south-west.
The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians. River Váh devides area on 2 parts. North part with mountains High Tatras (Vysoké Tatry), Western Tatras (Západné Tatry), Skorušina Hills (Skorušinské vrchy), Orava Beskids (Oravské Beskydy), Orava Magura (Oravská Magura), Oravská vrchovina, Choč Mountains (Chočské vrchy), Krivánska Fatra, Kysuce Beskids (Kysucké Beskydy), Kysuce highlands (Kysucká vrchovina) a Maple Mountains (Javorníky). South part with mountains Low Tatras (Nízke Tatry), Great Fatra (Veľká Fatra), Lúčanská Fatra, Strážov Mountains (Strážovské vrchy).
There are national parks Tatra National Park (Tatranský národný park), Low Tatras National Park (Národný park Nízke Tatry), Great Fatra National Park (Národný park Veľká Fatra), Little Fatra National Park (Národný park Malá Fatra) in Žilina region.