Žilina Region / Nature protection
Below are the protected natural areas that are located in Žilina Region or extend into Žilina Region.
Categories of protected areas
National Park (NP)
Protected Landscape Area (PLA)
Protected Area (PA)
National nature reservation (NNR)
National natural monument (NNM)
Nature reserve (NR)
Natural monument (NM)
Protected landscape element (PLE)
Nature Park (NPK)
Municipality protected area (MPA)
Protected Landscape Area (PLA)
Protected Area (PA)
National nature reservation (NNR)
National natural monument (NNM)
Nature reserve (NR)
Natural monument (NM)
Protected landscape element (PLE)
Nature Park (NPK)
Municipality protected area (MPA)
Natural areas of international importance
Beech Forests of the Carpathians - UNESCO Natural Heritage
Caves of the Slovak Karst - UNESCO Natural Heritage
List of Biosphere Reserves (BR) in Slovakia
Natura 2000
Ramsar sites
Caves of the Slovak Karst - UNESCO Natural Heritage
List of Biosphere Reserves (BR) in Slovakia
Natura 2000
Ramsar sites
List of National Parks in Slovakia - Žilina Region
Nr. | Name | Area in ha / PZ in ha (*)(**) | District |
1. | Tatra National Park (Tatranský národný park - TANAP) | 73,800.0000 30,703.0000 | Liptovský Mikuláš, Tvrdošín |
2. | National park Low Tatras (Národný park Nízke Tatry - NAPANT) | 72,842.0000 110,162.0000 | Liptovský Mikuláš, Ružomberok |
3. | Small Fatra National Park (Národný park Malá Fatra - NPMF) | 22,630.0000 23,262.0000 | Dolný Kubín, Martin, Žilina |
4. | Big Fatra National Park (Národný park Veľká Fatra - NPVF) | 40,371.3433 26,132.5817 | Martin, Ružomberok, Turčianske Teplice |
(**) Area of the protected area - its area in ha in total (not the area in the territory of the region) / area of protection (buffer) zone in ha total (not in region)
PZ - Protection (buffer) zone(*) State: 31.12.2022
List of Protected landscape areas (PLA) in Slovakia - Žilina Region
Nr. | Name | Area in ha / PZ in ha (*)(**) | District |
1. | Horná Orava | 58,738.0000 - | Námestovo |
2. | Kysuce | 65,462.0000 - | Bytča, Čadca, Dolný Kubín, Žilina |
3. | Strážovské vrchy | 30,979.0000 - | Bytča, Žilina |
(**) Area of the protected area - its area in ha in total (not the area in the territory of the region) / area of protection (buffer) zone in ha total (not in region)
PZ - Protection (buffer) zone(*) State: 31.12.2022
List of Protected sites (PS) in Slovakia - Žilina Region
Nr. | Name | Area in ha / PZ in ha (*)(**) | District |
1. | Bodický rybník | 18.5703 has not PZ | Liptovský Mikuláš |
2. | Bratkovčík | 20.3940 has not PZ | Tvrdošín |
3. | Demänovská slatina | 1.6664 5.4359 | Liptovský Mikuláš |
4. | Diviacke kruhy | 1.9591 has not PZ | Turčianske Teplice |
5. | Háj pred Teplou dolinou | 0.2000 has not PZ | Ružomberok |
6. | Hate | 0.5793 has not PZ | Žilina |
7. | Hrádocké arborétum | 7.2403 has not PZ | Liptovský Mikuláš |
8. | Chmúra | 0.4087 has not PZ | Čadca |
9. | Ivančinské močiare | 2.9300 has not PZ | Turčianske Teplice |
10. | Jazernické jazierko | 0.1618 has not PZ | Turčianske Teplice |
11. | Mošovské aleje | - 272.9200 | Turčianske Teplice |
12. | Ostrá skala a Tupá skala | 22.3000 12.9800 | Dolný Kubín |
13. | Ratkovo | 97.5149 has not PZ | Liptovský Mikuláš |
14. | Revúca | 39.2192 has not PZ | Ružomberok |
15. | Rieka Orava | 441.7463 has not PZ | Dolný Kubín |
16. | Sielnický borovicový háj | 5.5800 has not PZ | Liptovský Mikuláš |
17. | Žarnovica | 1.8507 has not PZ | Turčianske Teplice |
(**) Area of the protected area - its area in ha in total (not the area in the territory of the region) / area of protection (buffer) zone in ha total (not in region)
PZ - Protection (buffer) zone(*) State: 31.12.2022
List of National nature reservations (NNR) - Žilina Region
Nr. | Name | Area in ha / PZ in ha (*)(**) | District |
1. | Bielska skala | 15.0500 circuit 100 m | Tvrdošín |
2. | Borišov | 449.7400 circuit 100 m | Martin |
3. | Čierny kameň | 34.4000 4.2546 | Ružomberok |
4. | Demänovská dolina | 836.8800 circuit 100 m | Liptovský Mikuláš |
5. | Ďumbier | 2,043.7600 circuit 100 m | Liptovský Mikuláš |
6. | Chleb | 412.8700 circuit 100 m | Martin, Žilina |
7. | Choč | 1,428.0500 circuit 100 m | Dolný Kubín, Ružomberok |
8. | Jánošíkova kolkáreň | 243.3700 circuit 100 m | Ružomberok |
9. | Jánska dolina | 1,696.5300 circuit 100 m | Liptovský Mikuláš |
10. | Juráňova dolina | 434.3200 circuit 100 m | Tvrdošín |
11. | Kľačianska Magura | 204.4700 circuit 100 m | Martin |
12. | Kľak | 85.7100 circuit 100 m | Martin, Žilina |
13. | Kláštorské lúky | 85.9915 circuit 100 m | Martin |
14. | Kornietová | 84.0500 circuit 100 m | Ružomberok |
15. | Kotlový žľab | 70.7700 circuit 100 m | Tvrdošín |
16. | Kozol | 91.5800 circuit 100 m | Žilina |
17. | Krivé | 203.7200 circuit 100 m | Žilina |
18. | Kundračka | 115.7900 circuit 100 m | Ružomberok |
19. | Kvačianska dolina | 461.7900 circuit 100 m | Liptovský Mikuláš |
20. | Lysec | 70.0400 circuit 100 m | Martin |
21. | Madačov | 330.6400 circuit 100 m | Martin |
22. | Malý Polom | 86.1000 circuit 100 m | Čadca |
23. | Minčol | 96.1000 circuit 100 m | Dolný Kubín, Námestovo |
24. | Mních | 74.7500 circuit 100 m | Liptovský Mikuláš |
25. | Ohnište | 852.2600 circuit 100 m | Liptovský Mikuláš |
26. | Osobitá | 457.9800 circuit 100 m | Tvrdošín |
27. | Padva | 325.4600 circuit 100 m | Martin |
28. | Prípor | 272.2700 circuit 100 m | Žilina |
29. | Prosiecka dolina | 341.7300 circuit 100 m | Liptovský Mikuláš |
30. | Rakšianske rašelinisko | 5.5310 circuit 100 m | Turčianske Teplice |
31. | Roháčske plesá | 451.6600 circuit 100 m | Tvrdošín |
32. | Rozsutec | 841.5500 circuit 100 m | Dolný Kubín, Žilina |
33. | Rumbáre | 51.5900 circuit 100 m | Ružomberok |
34. | Salatín | 1,192.9900 circuit 100 m | Liptovský Mikuláš, Ružomberok |
35. | Sivý vrch | 112.6700 circuit 100 m | Tvrdošín |
36. | Skalná Alpa | 524.5500 circuit 100 m | Ružomberok |
37. | Sokolec | 199.2400 circuit 100 m | Dolný Kubín |
38. | Starý hrad | 85.4200 circuit 100 m | Žilina |
39. | Strážov | 480.0100 circuit 100 m | Žilina |
40. | Suchá dolina | 1,585.5400 circuit 100 m | Liptovský Mikuláš |
41. | Suchý | 429.4200 circuit 100 m | Žilina |
42. | Suchý vrch | 288.7400 circuit 100 m | Martin, Ružomberok |
43. | Súľovské skaly | 543.2300 281.7700 | Bytča |
44. | Svrčinník | 222.4900 circuit 100 m | Turčianske Teplice |
45. | Šíp | 301.5200 circuit 100 m | Dolný Kubín, Ružomberok |
46. | Šrámková | 243.6500 circuit 100 m | Dolný Kubín |
47. | Šútovská dolina | 526.6500 circuit 100 m | Dolný Kubín, Martin |
48. | Tiesňavy | 479.2100 circuit 100 m | Žilina |
49. | Tichá dolina | 5,966.6400 circuit 100 m | Liptovský Mikuláš |
50. | Tlstá | 3,066.0400 circuit 100 m | Martin |
51. | Turiec | 89.2899 543.3089 | Martin, Turčianske Teplice |
52. | Turková | 107.0000 30.9500 | Liptovský Mikuláš |
53. | Veľká Bránica | 332.0900 circuit 100 m | Žilina |
54. | Veľká Rača | 313.0000 197.0000 | Čadca |
55. | Veľká Skalná | 645.2300 circuit 100 m | Martin, Turčianske Teplice |
56. | Veľký Javorník | 13.9500 circuit 100 m | Čadca |
57. | Vyšehrad | 48.6500 circuit 100 m | Turčianske Teplice |
(**) Area of the protected area - its area in ha in total (not the area in the territory of the region) / area of protection (buffer) zone in ha total (not in region)
PZ - Protection (buffer) zone(*) State: 31.12.2022
List of National natural monuments (NNM) in Slovakia - Žilina Region
Nr. | Name | Article | Area in ha / PZ in ha (*)(**) | District |
1. | Brankovský vodopád Vodopád | - has not PZ | Ružomberok | |
2. | Brestovská jaskyňa Jaskyňa | - 59.3073 | Tvrdošín | |
3. | Demänovské jaskyne Jaskyňa | ![]() | - 592.3152 | Liptovský Mikuláš |
4. | Jaskyňa zlomísk Jaskyňa | - has not PZ | Liptovský Mikuláš | |
5. | Kľacký vodopád Vodopád | - has not PZ | Martin | |
6. | Liskovská jaskyňa Jaskyňa | - 15.8545 | Ružomberok | |
7. | Lúčanský vodopád Vodopád | - has not PZ | Ružomberok | |
8. | Okno Jaskyňa | - has not PZ | Liptovský Mikuláš | |
9. | Oravské hradné bralo | 3.6200 circuit 60 m | Dolný Kubín | |
10. | Perlová jaskyňa Jaskyňa | - has not PZ | Martin | |
11. | Stanišovská jaskyňa Jaskyňa | - has not PZ | Liptovský Mikuláš | |
12. | Starý hrad Jaskyňa | - has not PZ | Liptovský Mikuláš | |
13. | Štefanová Jaskyňa | - has not PZ | Liptovský Mikuláš | |
14. | Važecká jaskyňa Jaskyňa | - 87.3728 | Liptovský Mikuláš | |
15. | Veľká ľadová priepasť Jaskyňa | - has not PZ | Liptovský Mikuláš | |
16. | Vrbické pleso | 0.7300 24.7100 | Liptovský Mikuláš | |
17. | Zápoľná Jaskyňa | - has not PZ | Liptovský Mikuláš | |
18. | Záskočská jaskyňa Jaskyňa | - has not PZ | Liptovský Mikuláš |
(**) Area of the protected area - its area in ha in total (not the area in the territory of the region) / area of protection (buffer) zone in ha total (not in region)
PZ - Protection (buffer) zone(*) State: 31.12.2022
List of Nature reserves (NR) in Slovakia - Žilina Region
Nr. | Name | Area in ha / PZ in ha (*)(**) | District |
1. | Biela skala | 185.0700 circuit 100 m | Martin |
2. | Brodnianka | 25.9400 33.3000 | Kysucké Nové Mesto, Žilina |
3. | Čierna Lutiša | 26.3500 50.8200 | Žilina |
4. | Dubovské lúky | 16.0289 circuit 100 m | Dolný Kubín |
5. | Goľove mláky | 6.8300 circuit 100 m | Martin |
6. | Hajasová | 7.1700 circuit 100 m | Martin |
7. | Hrabinka | 0.4000 circuit 100 m | Martin |
8. | Hrádok | 6.7500 circuit 100 m | Martin |
9. | Hričovec | 21.1200 circuit 100 m | Čadca |
10. | Ivachnovský luh | 10.0400 circuit 100 m | Ružomberok |
11. | Javorinka | 35.5200 circuit 100 m | Dolný Kubín |
12. | Jelšie | 26.1000 circuit 100 m | Liptovský Mikuláš |
13. | Katova skala | 46.6900 circuit 100 m | Martin |
14. | Klokočovské skálie | 6.1200 circuit 100 m | Čadca |
15. | Klubinský potok | 0.8258 circuit 100 m | Čadca |
16. | Korbeľka | 86.1600 circuit 100 m | Ružomberok |
17. | Kozí chrbát | 37.4300 circuit 100 m | Ružomberok |
18. | Kunovo | 11.9200 circuit 100 m | Dolný Kubín, Ružomberok |
19. | Ľadonhora | 285.7400 circuit 100 m | Kysucké Nové Mesto |
20. | Mačie diery | 45.6300 circuit 100 m | Tvrdošín |
21. | Machy | 25.6100 circuit 100 m | Liptovský Mikuláš |
22. | Medzi bormi | 6.5500 circuit 100 m | Tvrdošín |
23. | Močiar | 8.1578 circuit 100 m | Ružomberok |
24. | Mohylky | 0.7481 circuit 100 m | Ružomberok |
25. | Paráč | 45.2700 circuit 100 m | Dolný Kubín, Námestovo |
26. | Polková | 5.0824 circuit 100 m | Čadca |
27. | Rochovica | 31.5800 3.2000 | Kysucké Nové Mesto, Žilina |
28. | Rojkovské rašelinisko | 2.8807 circuit 100 m | Ružomberok |
29. | Sliačske travertíny | 7.0162 circuit 100 m | Ružomberok |
30. | Slnečné skaly | 90.5400 circuit 100 m | Žilina |
31. | Smrekovica | 234.7500 59.6400 | Ružomberok |
32. | Šujské rašelinisko | 10.8000 circuit 100 m | Žilina |
33. | Švihrová | 5.6472 circuit 100 m | Liptovský Mikuláš |
34. | Turícke dubiny | 19.0200 circuit 100 m | Ružomberok |
35. | Úplazíky | 31.1900 circuit 100 m | Tvrdošín |
36. | Veľká Lučivná | 66.3800 circuit 100 m | Dolný Kubín |
37. | Veľký Polom | 47.5800 circuit 100 m | Čadca |
38. | Zajačkova lúka | 3.9848 circuit 100 m | Čadca |
39. | Pralesy Slovenska - Čierny kameň | 140.9454 has not PZ | Ružomberok |
40. | Pralesy Slovenska - Drobkov | 326.0189 has not PZ | Martin |
41. | Pralesy Slovenska - Hromisko | 95.4475 has not PZ | Liptovský Mikuláš |
42. | Pralesy Slovenska - Chmelinec | 316.9595 has not PZ | Liptovský Mikuláš |
43. | Pralesy Slovenska - Jánošíkova kolkáreň | 48.9389 has not PZ | Ružomberok |
44. | Pralesy Slovenska - Jarabinská | 78.8047 has not PZ | Ružomberok |
45. | Pralesy Slovenska - Kľak | 27.7406 has not PZ | Martin, Žilina |
46. | Pralesy Slovenska - Kolesová | 71.3178 has not PZ | Liptovský Mikuláš |
47. | Pralesy Slovenska - Maďarovo | 38.6831 has not PZ | Ružomberok |
48. | Pralesy Slovenska - Magura | 9.4906 has not PZ | Dolný Kubín |
49. | Pralesy Slovenska - Magurka | 10.0109 has not PZ | Ružomberok |
50. | Pralesy Slovenska - Malá Smrekovica | 72.5035 has not PZ | Ružomberok |
51. | Pralesy Slovenska - Nemecká | 34.0078 has not PZ | Liptovský Mikuláš |
52. | Pralesy Slovenska - Ostredok | 27.1566 has not PZ | Martin |
53. | Pralesy Slovenska - Raková | 150.0014 has not PZ | Ružomberok |
54. | Pralesy Slovenska - Rovne | 26.8897 has not PZ | Martin |
55. | Pralesy Slovenska - Skalná Alpa | 314.7527 has not PZ | Ružomberok |
56. | Pralesy Slovenska - Skalnatá | 40.2061 has not PZ | Žilina |
57. | Pralesy Slovenska - Slatiny | 124.3854 has not PZ | Žilina |
58. | Pralesy Slovenska - Steny | 27.9837 has not PZ | Kysucké Nové Mesto |
59. | Pralesy Slovenska - Šútovská dolina | 100.1315 has not PZ | Dolný Kubín |
60. | Pralesy Slovenska - Tanečnica | 18.0634 has not PZ | Ružomberok |
61. | Pralesy Slovenska - Veľká Vápenica | 64.7463 has not PZ | Liptovský Mikuláš |
62. | Pralesy Slovenska - Zadná hoľa | 142.7052 has not PZ | Liptovský Mikuláš |
(**) Area of the protected area - its area in ha in total (not the area in the territory of the region) / area of protection (buffer) zone in ha total (not in region)
PZ - Protection (buffer) zone(*) State: 31.12.2022
List of Natural monuments (NM) in Slovakia - Žilina Region
Nr. | Name | Area in ha / PZ in ha (*)(**) | District |
1. | Bešeňovské travertíny | 0.7323 circuit 60 m | Ružomberok |
2. | Blatné | 4.2900 77.1284 | Ružomberok |
3. | Bôrická mláka | 0.6000 circuit 60 m | Dolný Kubín |
4. | Bukovinka | 1.8000 circuit 60 m | Ružomberok |
5. | Bukovský prameň | 0.0138 circuit 60 m | Čadca |
6. | Dogerské skaly | 0.1690 circuit 60 m | Ružomberok |
7. | Domašínsky meander | 80.3700 circuit 60 m | Žilina |
8. | Háje | 0.0800 circuit 60 m | Liptovský Mikuláš |
9. | Hričovská skalná ihla | 0.6300 circuit 60 m | Žilina |
10. | Hričovské rífy | 0.2000 circuit 60 m | Žilina |
11. | Hybická tiesňava | 11.1800 circuit 60 m | Liptovský Mikuláš |
12. | Jazierske travertíny | 2.2200 circuit 60 m | Ružomberok |
13. | Kamenné mlieko Verejnosti voľne prístupná jaskyňa | - has not PZ | Liptovský Mikuláš |
14. | Korniansky ropný prameň | 0.1710 circuit 60 m | Čadca |
15. | Kraľoviansky meander | 18.2300 circuit 60 m | Dolný Kubín |
16. | Krasniansky luh | 15.2100 circuit 60 m | Žilina |
17. | Krkavá skala | 0.2619 circuit 60 m | Ružomberok |
18. | Kysucká brána | 0.6120 circuit 60 m | Kysucké Nové Mesto, Žilina |
19. | Lúčanské travertíny | 2.9277 3.4752 | Ružomberok |
20. | Malá Stanišovská jaskyňa Jaskyňa | - has not PZ | Liptovský Mikuláš |
21. | Mašiansky balvan | 0.0056 1.2800 | Liptovský Mikuláš |
22. | Matejkovský kamenný prúd | 8.6000 circuit 60 m | Ružomberok |
23. | Mažarná Verejnosti voľne prístupná jaskyňa | - has not PZ | Martin |
24. | Meandre Lúžňanky | 1.7426 circuit 60 m | Ružomberok |
25. | Megonky | 0.1670 has not PZ | Čadca |
26. | Ochodnický prameň | 0.0150 0.1866 | Kysucké Nové Mesto |
27. | Poluvsianska skalná ihla | 1.9466 circuit 60 m | Žilina |
28. | Prielom Teplého potoka | 20.9400 circuit 60 m | Ružomberok |
29. | Pucovské zlepence | 4.8485 circuit 60 m | Dolný Kubín |
30. | Rojkovská travertínová kopa | 0.0144 0.2806 | Ružomberok |
31. | Skalná päsť | 0.0015 19.6250 | Ružomberok |
32. | Súľovský hrádok | 16.2800 circuit 60 m | Bytča |
33. | Šarkania diera Verejnosti voľne prístupná jaskyňa | - has not PZ | Bytča |
34. | Šútovská epigenéza | 52.1936 circuit 60 m | Martin |
35. | Turská skala | 4.3800 circuit 60 m | Žilina |
36. | Veľké Ostré | 0.0500 circuit 60 m | Kysucké Nové Mesto |
37. | Vlčia skala | 1.4900 circuit 60 m | Ružomberok |
38. | Vojtovský prameň | 0.0013 0.0301 | Čadca |
39. | Vychylovské prahy | 0.3829 circuit 60 m | Čadca |
40. | Vychylovské skálie | 26.7200 circuit 60 m | Čadca |
(**) Area of the protected area - its area in ha in total (not the area in the territory of the region) / area of protection (buffer) zone in ha total (not in region)
PZ - Protection (buffer) zone(*) State: 31.12.2022
List of Protected landscape elements (PLE) in Slovakia - Žilina Region
There are no locations in the region
Beech Forests of the Carpathians - UNESCO Natural Heritage Žilina Region - list
There are no beech forests of the carpathians - unesco natural heritage in the region
Caves of the Slovak Karst - UNESCO Natural Heritage Žilina Region
(selected sites)
There are no caves of the slovak karst - unesco natural heritage in the region
List of Biosphere Reserves (BR) in Slovakia - Žilina Region
Nr. | Name | Area in ha / PZ in ha (*)(**) | District |
1. | Tatra National Park (Tatranský národný park - TANAP) | 73,800.0000 30,703.0000 | Liptovský Mikuláš, Tvrdošín |
(**) Area of the protected area - its area in ha in total (not the area in the territory of the region) / area of protection (buffer) zone in ha total (not in region)
PZ - Protection (buffer) zone(*) State: 31.12.2022
Nature Park (NPK) in Slovakia - Žilina Region
There are no locations in the region
Municipality protected areas (MPA) in Slovakia - Žilina Region
Nr. | Name | Area in ha / PZ in ha (*)(**) | District |
1. | Sad SNP Obecné | 1.9349 has not PZ | Žilina |
(**) Area of the protected area - its area in ha in total (not the area in the territory of the region) / area of protection (buffer) zone in ha total (not in region)
PZ - Protection (buffer) zone(*) State: 31.12.2022
Natura 2000 in Slovakia
There are included in the NATURA 2000 system:
Territories of European importance
Informations can be found on the website www.minzp.sk
Protected bird areas
List of Protected bird areas (PBA) in Slovakia - Žilina Region
Nr. | Name | Area in ha / PZ in ha (*)(**) | District |
1. | Horná Orava | 58,738.0000 - | Dolný Kubín, Námestovo, Tvrdošín |
2. | Strážovské vrchy | 58,673.0800 - | Bytča, Žilina |
3. | Nízke Tatry | 98,168.5200 - | Liptovský Mikuláš, Ružomberok |
4. | Veľká Fatra | 47,445.0100 - | Martin, Ružomberok, Turčianske Teplice |
5. | Malá Fatra | 66,228.0600 - | Dolný Kubín, Martin, Námestovo, Ružomberok, Žilina |
6. | Tatry | 54,611.2900 - | Liptovský Mikuláš, Tvrdošín |
7. | Chočské vrchy | 16,817.5000 - | Dolný Kubín, Liptovský Mikuláš, Ružomberok |
(**) Area of the protected area - its area in ha in total (not the area in the territory of the region) / area of protection (buffer) zone in ha total (not in region)
(*) State: 31.12.2022
(*) Source: www.sopsr.sk
Ramsar sites - Žilina Region
Nr. | Nr. | Area ha | Location - Short description (*) | Region - District | Municipality (**) |
1. | Mokrade Turca (Turiec Wetlands) | 466.90 (1) | Region Žilina (Žilinský kraj) - districts Martin, Turčianske Teplice | Abramová, Benice, Blatnica, Blážovce, Bystrička, Dolná Štubňa, Dolný Turček, Dubové, Dvorec n. Turcom, Ďanová, Ivančiná, Jazernica, Kaľamenová, Kláštor pod Znievom, Košťany nad Turcom, Laskár, Ležiachov, Martin, Moškovec, Príbovce, Rakovo, Sklené, Slovany, Slovenské Pravno, Socovce, Trebostovo, Trnovo, Turčiansky Ďur, Turčiansky Peter, Turčianske Teplice, Valentová, Veľký Čepčín | |
2. | Mokrade Oravskej kotliny (Wetlands of Orava Basin) | 9,264.00 (2) | Region Žilina (Žilinský kraj) - districts Námestovo, Tvrdošín | Bobrov, Hladovka, Klin, Liesek, Námestovo, Oravské Hámre, Osada, Slanica, Suchá Hora, Štefanov, Ústie nad Priehradou, Trstená | |
3. | Rieka Orava a jej prítoky (Orava River and its Tributaries) | 865.00 | Region Žilina (Žilinský kraj) - districts Dolný Kubín, Tvrdošín | Bziny, Čimhová, Dlhá nad Oravou, Dolný Kubín, Habovka, Horná Lehota, Chlebnice, Istebné, Kraľovany, Krivá, Liesek, Medzibrodie nad Oravou, Nižná, Oravská Poruba, Oravský Biely Potok, Oravský Podzámok, Párnica, Podbiel, Pribiš, Pucov, Sedliacka Dubová, Stankovany, Trstená, Tvrdošín, Veličná, Vitanová, Zázrivá, Žaškov | |
4. | Jaskyne Demänovskej doliny | 1,448.00 | Region Žilina (Žilinský kraj) - district Liptovský Mikuláš | Liptovský Mikuláš |
(*) Location - Short description
(**) Municipality or Cadastral area
(1) The area declared on the official website of the Ramsar Convention 750 ha ha is different from the area 466,90 ha, which is declared by official sources in Slovakia.
(2) The area declared on the official website of the Ramsar Convention 9287 ha is different from the area 9264 ha, which is declared by official sources in Slovakia.
(2) The area declared on the official website of the Ramsar Convention 9287 ha is different from the area 9264 ha, which is declared by official sources in Slovakia.