Area of districts

Population status as of 31.12.2023.
Official data on state of the population as of 1.1.2025 / 31.12.2024 are not yet available.

Nr. District Area km2 (*)Density of population / km2 Region
1. Bratislava I10
4,939.98Bratislava Region Go to article - Bratislava Region
2. Bratislava II92
1,362.09Bratislava Region Go to article - Bratislava Region
3. Bratislava III75
1,039.09Bratislava Region Go to article - Bratislava Region
4. Bratislava IV97
1,086.67Bratislava Region Go to article - Bratislava Region
5. Bratislava V94
1,295.53Bratislava Region Go to article - Bratislava Region
6. Malacky950
83.92Bratislava Region Go to article - Bratislava Region
7. Pezinok376
186.27Bratislava Region Go to article - Bratislava Region
8. Senec360
291.97Bratislava Region Go to article - Bratislava Region
9. Dunajská Streda1,075
118.21Trnava Region Go to article - Trnava Region
10. Galanta642
148.75Trnava Region Go to article - Trnava Region
11. Hlohovec267
161.65Trnava Region Go to article - Trnava Region
12. Piešťany381
162.72Trnava Region Go to article - Trnava Region
13. Senica683
86.32Trnava Region Go to article - Trnava Region
14. Skalica357
131.39Trnava Region Go to article - Trnava Region
15. Trnava741
178.77Trnava Region Go to article - Trnava Region
16. Bánovce nad Bebravou462
76.17Trenčín Region Go to article - Trenčín Region
17. Ilava359
158.77Trenčín Region Go to article - Trenčín Region
18. Myjava327
76.39Trenčín Region Go to article - Trenčín Region
19. Nové Mesto nad Váhom580
105.78Trenčín Region Go to article - Trenčín Region
20. Partizánske301
144.54Trenčín Region Go to article - Trenčín Region
21. Považská Bystrica463
130.79Trenčín Region Go to article - Trenčín Region
22. Prievidza960
133.99Trenčín Region Go to article - Trenčín Region
23. Púchov375
116.53Trenčín Region Go to article - Trenčín Region
24. Trenčín675
167.79Trenčín Region Go to article - Trenčín Region
25. Komárno1,100
90.24Nitra Region Go to article - Nitra Region
26. Levice1,551
69.94Nitra Region Go to article - Nitra Region
27. Nitra871
189.29Nitra Region Go to article - Nitra Region
28. Nové Zámky1,347
100.22Nitra Region Go to article - Nitra Region
29. Šaľa356
141.57Nitra Region Go to article - Nitra Region
30. Topoľčany598
116.42Nitra Region Go to article - Nitra Region
31. Zlaté Moravce521
78.22Nitra Region Go to article - Nitra Region
32. Bytča282
111.21Žilina Region Go to article - Žilina Region
33. Čadca761
114.56Žilina Region Go to article - Žilina Region
34. Dolný Kubín492
78.75Žilina Region Go to article - Žilina Region
35. Kysucké Nové Mesto174
187.94Žilina Region Go to article - Žilina Region
36. Liptovský Mikuláš1,341
53.25Žilina Region Go to article - Žilina Region
37. Martin736
126.46Žilina Region Go to article - Žilina Region
38. Námestovo690
93.25Žilina Region Go to article - Žilina Region
39. Ružomberok647
87.33Žilina Region Go to article - Žilina Region
40. Turčianske Teplice393
40.10Žilina Region Go to article - Žilina Region
41. Tvrdošín479
74.64Žilina Region Go to article - Žilina Region
42. Žilina815
196.96Žilina Region Go to article - Žilina Region
43. Banská Bystrica809
132.44Banská Bystrica Region Go to article - Banská Bystrica Region
44. Banská Štiavnica292
52.71Banská Bystrica Region Go to article - Banská Bystrica Region
45. Brezno1,265
46.08Banská Bystrica Region Go to article - Banská Bystrica Region
46. Detva449
68.04Banská Bystrica Region Go to article - Banská Bystrica Region
47. Krupina585
36.37Banská Bystrica Region Go to article - Banská Bystrica Region
48. Lučenec826
83.60Banská Bystrica Region Go to article - Banská Bystrica Region
49. Poltár476
42.51Banská Bystrica Region Go to article - Banská Bystrica Region
50. Revúca730
51.79Banská Bystrica Region Go to article - Banská Bystrica Region
51. Rimavská Sobota1,471
54.15Banská Bystrica Region Go to article - Banská Bystrica Region
52. Veľký Krtíš848
48.22Banská Bystrica Region Go to article - Banská Bystrica Region
53. Zvolen759
86.40Banská Bystrica Region Go to article - Banská Bystrica Region
54. Žarnovica425
58.03Banská Bystrica Region Go to article - Banská Bystrica Region
55. Žiar nad Hronom518
84.49Banská Bystrica Region Go to article - Banská Bystrica Region
56. Bardejov936
80.71Prešov Region Go to article - Prešov Region
57. Humenné754
77.81Prešov Region Go to article - Prešov Region
58. Kežmarok630
119.37Prešov Region Go to article - Prešov Region
59. Levoča421
78.84Prešov Region Go to article - Prešov Region
60. Medzilaborce427
24.96Prešov Region Go to article - Prešov Region
61. Poprad1,105
92.36Prešov Region Go to article - Prešov Region
62. Prešov934
187.10Prešov Region Go to article - Prešov Region
63. Sabinov545
112.83Prešov Region Go to article - Prešov Region
64. Snina805
42.34Prešov Region Go to article - Prešov Region
65. Stará Ľubovňa708
75.02Prešov Region Go to article - Prešov Region
66. Stropkov389
50.27Prešov Region Go to article - Prešov Region
67. Svidník550
56.74Prešov Region Go to article - Prešov Region
68. Vranov nad Topľou769
103.08Prešov Region Go to article - Prešov Region
69. Gelnica584
54.31Košice Region Go to article - Košice Region
70. Košice I85
736.79Košice Region Go to article - Košice Region
71. Košice II81
973.24Košice Region Go to article - Košice Region
72. Košice III17
1,636.85Košice Region Go to article - Košice Region
73. Košice IV61
921.88Košice Region Go to article - Košice Region
74. Košice - okolie1,535
85.99Košice Region Go to article - Košice Region
75. Michalovce1,019
106.09Košice Region Go to article - Košice Region
76. Rožňava1,173
49.79Košice Region Go to article - Košice Region
77. Sobrance538
41.30Košice Region Go to article - Košice Region
78. Spišská Nová Ves587
167.77Košice Region Go to article - Košice Region
79. Trebišov1,073
95.95Košice Region Go to article - Košice Region
Total: (79)49,035.00
NR. City part The population
in city part(*)
1. Staré Mesto (Old Town) 47,375 Bratislava I
2. Podunajské Biskupice 23,276 Bratislava II
3. Ružinov 82,483 Bratislava II
4. Vrakuňa 20,221 Bratislava II
5. Nové Mesto 45,342 Bratislava III
6. Rača 26,214 Bratislava III
7. Vajnory 6,038 Bratislava III
8. Devín 2,071 Bratislava IV
9. Devínska Nová Ves 17,067 Bratislava IV
10. Dúbravka 35,572 Bratislava IV
11. Karlova Ves 34,942 Bratislava IV
12. Lamač 7,827 Bratislava IV
13. Záhorská Bystrica 7,564 Bratislava IV
14. Čunovo 1,770 Bratislava V
15. Jarovce 3,016 Bratislava V
16. Petržalka 112,794 Bratislava V
17. Rusovce 4,468 Bratislava V
Total: (17) 478,040
(*) Source:
Population status as of 31.12.2023.
NR. City part The population
in city part(*)
1. Džungľa 767 Košice I
2. Kavečany 1,361 Košice I
3. Sever 18,424 Košice I
4. Sídlisko Ťahanovce 20,081 Košice I
5. Staré Mesto 20,137 Košice I
6. Ťahanovce 2,195 Košice I
7. Lorinčík 1,155 Košice II
8. Luník IX 7,146 Košice II
9. Myslava 2,683 Košice II
10. Pereš 2,168 Košice II
11. Poľov 1,193 Košice II
12. Šaca 5,744 Košice II
13. Sídlisko KVP 21,675 Košice II
14. Západ 36,621 Košice II
15. Dargovských Hrdinov 24,397 Košice III
16. Košická Nová Ves 3,154 Košice III
17. Barca 3,710 Košice IV
18. Juh 20,724 Košice IV
19. Krásna 6,179 Košice IV
20. Nad Jazerom 21,998 Košice IV
21. Šebastovce 772 Košice IV
22. Vyšné Opátske 2,760 Košice IV
Total: (22) 225,044
(*) Source:
Population status as of 31.12.2023.