Slovak Republic (Slovakia)
Government: parliamentary democracy
Capital city: Bratislava
Largest city: Bratislava
Continent: Europe (Central Europe)
Area: 49 034 km²
Population: 5 426 857 (31.03.2023)
Member of the European Union since: 1.5.2004
Bordering with countries:
Czech Republic
Borders length total: 1 652,20 km
Borders length with bordering countries:
Czech Republic: 251.8 km
Austria: 106.7 km
Poland: 541,1 km
Ukraine: 97.8 km
Hungary: 654.8 km
Time Zone: CET / SEČ (UTC+1)
Summer time: CEST / SELČ (UTC+2))
Official language: Slovak
International code: SVK / SK
International identity plate: SK
Internet domain: .sk
Phone country Code: +421
Currency: EUR

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