Geomorphology - glossary

Slovak English
Brána Gate (Brána) landmark deepened geomorphological unit linking two adjacent deepened geomorphological units of a larger area. The bottom of the gate has mostly a plane or a flat hill character.
Brázda Furrow (Brázda) relatively narrow, expressively elongated depression with flat bottom
Dolina Valley elongated, bottom unclosed depression (reduction)
Hora Mount, Mountain-high (Hora) ridge with tree vegetation (with forest stand)
Hornatina Heights, Highland (Hornatina) territory with a very heavily rugged georelief with predominant vertical articulation from 311 to 640 m
Hornatina Heights, Highlands (Hornatina) territory with a very strong, rugged geo-relief
Hrebeň Ridge (Hrebeň) elongated ridge with a sharp, often rocky top part
Chrbát Ridge (Chrbát) elongated ridge with significant marginal slopes and rounded or flat top part
Jama Hollow (Jama) smaller closed depression (reduction)
Jaskyňa Cave (Jaskyňa) larger cavern beneath the Earth's surface
Kaňon Canyon (Kaňon) deep valley with steep slopes and flat bottom
Klenba Vault, saddle (Klenba) large, oblong elevation of the oval to circular plan view
Kotlina Basin (Kotlina) distinctive relief, surrounded by all sides with a higher relief, with a flat or slightly wavy bottom.
Kráter Crater (Kráter) closed depression bordered by ridged mound
Kužeľ Cone (Kužeľ) ridge similar to the cone shell, resp. to its part
Masív Massif (Masív) massive mountain or high-mountain whole, its length and width are roughly the same
Močiar Swamp (Močiar) Swamp is a wetland, a waterlogget territory, which is forested
Mokraď Wetland (Mokraď) wetland is area permanently or most of the time saturated with water either permanently or seasonally, constituting characteristics ecosystem
Niva Flood plain (Niva) flood plain or river flood-plain - the bottom of the river valley
Nížina Lowland Territory at an altitude of up to 300 m. a.s.l. with a flat or hilly georelief. (in the world most commonly used altitude limit is 200 m. a.s.l. )
Pahorkatina Hills, hill-country (Pahorkatina) territory with a wavy georelief with predominant vertical range of 31 to 100 m
Pahorok Uphill (Pahorok) small elevation with slight piedmont and gentle slopes
Panva Basin (Panva) large shallow deprssion, surrounded by all sides by higher georelief, with a flat or slightly wavy bottom
Planina Plain (Planina) plateau at a higher altitude, usually in the area of ​​highlands and heights (highlands)
Plošina Plateau (Plošina) territory with flat or very slightly wavy georelief in the surrounding more rugged territory, usually separated by slope from the respective erosive base
Podhorie Foothill (Podhorie) territory of highland or hilly character, developingly connected with neighboring heights , highland, mountains
Podolie Valley (podolie) valley, vale, plain
Pohorie Mountains general designation of a large mountain ridge, with heights resp. highland character
Predhorie Piedmont-hills, foothills (Predhorie) continual lower mountain that spreads over its own mountain massif
Priesmyk Mountain pass significant reduction of the continuous mountain back with a deeply cut saddle or valley
Rovina Flat, lowland (Rovina) territory with a flat or slightly wavy georelief with predominant vertical articulation up to 30 m
Ryha Groove, Furrow (Ryha) narrow narrow reduction (depression) of smaller dimensions
Sedlo Saddle lowest point on the back or the ridge between the two ridges
Svah Slope,Acclivity (Svah) tilted, sloped part of georelief
Tabuľa Platform, Plateau, Tableland (Tabuľa) territory of platform character
Terasa (Terasy) Terrace (Terrace land) - Terasa (Terasy) bench elevation in a georelief composed of a platform and a acclivitous, steep slope
Tiesňava Gorge, Gulley, Narrow passage (Tiesňava) part of the valley with steep slopes, with the bottom most often filled by watercourse in the whole width, and with a significant valley
Úpätie Piedmont (Úpätie) The area at the intersection of two different inclined georelief areas at the border of the depression and the elevation (ridge)
Úval Hollow, depression (Úval) A landmark depression (socket), mostly tectonic, usually with elongated shape, on one or both ends open, with a wide bottom with a predominantly small height (up to 75 m)
Val Mound, Extended Ridge (Val) stretched ridge in a flat area
Veľhornatina High mountains over 1 500 m (Veľhornatina) territory with an exceptionally rugged georelief with a prevailing vertical articulation of over 641 m
Vrch, Štít Mount, Peak ridge - elevation of larger dimensions in the highlands, generally with a relative height above 150 m
Vrchovina Highlands (Vrchovina) territory with a broken georelief with predominant vertical range from 101 to 310 m
Vysočina Upland (Vysočina) area at an altitude above 300 m (low 301 - 800 m, medium 801 - 1 500 m, high above 1 501 m). In the world, the lower altitude limit is 200 meters
Zníženina Depression (Zníženina, depresia) territory (relief form) with an altitude less than that in its vicinity. Relatively lower (deepened, reduced) part of the georelief. Negative form of georelief
Zráz Cliff (Zráz) steep inclined slope with a angle (slope) generally greater than 35 °
Zrub Zrub very steep (almost vertical) slope