Municipality protected areas (MPA
Municipality protected area (MPA), in Slovak Obecné chránené územie (OCHÚ) is locality, usually with an area of up to 100 ha, with cultural, scientific, ecological, aesthetic or landscape significance. It can be declared by the municipality by means of a generally binding regulation, in which the conditions for its protection are stated.
Municipality protected areas (MPA) in Slovakia
Nr. | Name | Area ha (*) | Protection (buffer) zone ha (*) | Region District |
1. | Barania zem Obecné | 1.9976 | has not PZ | Trnava Region - Piešťany |
2. | Čársky les Obecné | 42.5924 | has not PZ | Trnava Region - Senica |
3. | Dedovec Obecné | 92.0908 | has not PZ | Banská Bystrica Region - Zvolen |
4. | Dunajská riviéra - pod hrádzou Obecné | 2.1852 | has not PZ | Bratislava Region - Senec |
5. | Lido Obecné | 8.2000 | has not PZ | Trnava Region - Piešťany |
6. | Obecné chránené územie Mesta Veľký Šariš Obecné | 19.5580 | has not PZ | Prešov Region - Prešov |
7. | Obecné chránené územie obce Dolná Streda Obecné | - | has not PZ | Trnava Region - Galanta |
8. | Ostriež Obecné | 20.1800 | has not PZ | Trenčín Region - Myjava |
9. | Rička Obecné | 350.4952 | has not PZ | Prešov Region - Stará Ľubovňa |
10. | Sad SNP Obecné | 1.9349 | has not PZ | Žilina Region - Žilina |
11. | Trenčiansky luh Obecné | 13.4700 | has not PZ | Trenčín Region - Trenčín |
12. | Zámocký park v Hlohovci Obecné | 33.4186 | has not PZ | Trnava Region - Hlohovec |
Total: (12) |
Share of the area of the Slovak Republic:
Area ha (without protection (buffer) zone): (586,1227 ha): 0,0120 % from area of Slovak republic
(There are not included some locations where the area is not listed - e.g. caves, or area data are not available)
Area of the Slovak Republic: 49 035 km2 (4 903 500 ha)(There are not included some locations where the area is not listed - e.g. caves, or area data are not available)
(*) State: 31.12.2022
(*) Source: