Protected landscape elements in Slovakia
Protected landscape element (PLE) - in Slovak Chránený krajinný prvok (CHKP) - a significant landscape element fulfilling a function of a biocentre, a biocorridor or an interactive element, especially of local or regional interest. The 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th levels of protection are valid in the territory of a PLE.List of Protected landscape elements (PLE) in Slovakia
Nr. |
Name | Area ha (*) | Protection (buffer) zone ha (*) | Region District |
1. | Vápenický potok | 2.5161 | has not PZ | Bratislava Region - Bratislava IV |
Total: (1) | | |
PZ - Protection (buffer) zoneShare of the area of the Slovak Republic:
Area ha (without protection (buffer) zone): (2,5161 ha): 0,0001 % from area of Slovak republic
Area of the Slovak Republic: 49 035 km2 (4 903 500 ha)(*) State: 31.12.2022