Demography of Slovakia - population

Population in Slovakia

Total population in Slovakia is 5,424,687 (5.425 million)
Status of the permanently resident population as of 1.1.2024 / 31.12.2023
Date of processing 02.07.2024 **

Official data on state of the population as of 1.1.2025 / 31.12.2024 are not yet available.
** The last date we processed the data
Year The population
2014 5,421,349
2015 5,426,252
2016 5,435,343
2017 5,443,120
2018 5,450,421
2019 5,457,873
2020 5,459,781
2021 5,434,712
2022 5,428,792
2023 5,424,687
Population - number of inhabitants in Slovakia - years 2014 - 2023 - chart
Official data on state of the population as of 1.1.2025 / 31.12.2024 are not yet available.
Population in Slovakia by gender in year 2023 - chart
48.91 %
51.09 %
Official data on state of the population as of 1.1.2025 / 31.12.2024 are not yet available.
Nr. Nationality Code Number %
1. Slovak SVK 4,581,916 84.4642 %
2. Hungarian HUN 414,976 7.6498 %
3. Roma ROM 66,378 1.2236 %
4. Czech CZE 29,472 0.5433 %
5. Ruthenian RUT 21,139 0.3897 %
6. Ukrainian UKR 10,809 0.1993 %
7. Polish POL 4,124 0.0760 %
8. Russian RUS 3,523 0.0649 %
9. German DEU 3,389 0.0625 %
10. Vietnamese VNM 3,163 0.0583 %
11. Romanian ROU 1,690 0.0312 %
12. Italian ITA 1,417 0.0261 %
13. Serbian SRB 1,357 0.0250 %
14. Chinese CHN 1,314 0.0242 %
15. Bulgarian BGR 1,148 0.0212 %
16. Croatian HRV 1,000 0.0184 %
17. Moravian MOR 996 0.0184 %
18. Albanian ALB 870 0.0160 %
19. Austrian AUT 726 0.0134 %
20. French FRA 647 0.0119 %
21. English GBR 633 0.0117 %
22. Jewish JEW 531 0.0098 %
23. Turkish TUR 472 0.0087 %
24. Greek GRC 391 0.0072 %
25. Korean KOR 316 0.0058 %
26. Irish IRL 269 0.0050 %
27. Iranian IRN 154 0.0028 %
28. Silesian SIL 106 0.0020 %
29. Canadian CAN 98 0.0018 %
30. Other and unidentified UNK 271,663 5.0079 %
Total 5,424,687 100.0000 %
Official data on state of the population as of 1.1.2025 / 31.12.2024 are not yet available.
Family status The population %
Single 2,434,420 44.88
Married 2,151,173 39.66
Divorced 445,529 8.21
Widowers 374,065 6.90
Uknown 19,500 0.36
Total 5,424,687
Population by family status in Slovakia - year 2023 - chart
Population by family status in Slovakia - year 2023 - chart
Official data on state of the population as of 1.1.2025 / 31.12.2024 are not yet available.
Nr. Age group Population %
1. 9 years and under 576,573 10.63 %
2. 10-19 years 560,750 10.34 %
3. 20-29 years 561,216 10.35 %
4. 30-39 years 792,153 14.60 %
5. 40-49 years 882,610 16.27 %
6. 50-59 years 716,384 13.21 %
7. 60-69 years 677,828 12.50 %
8. 70-79 years 463,935 8.55 %
9. 80-89 years 166,409 3.07 %
10. 90-99 years 25,813 0.48 %
11. 100-109 years 1,015 0.02 %
12. 110 years or more 1 0.00 %
Total 5,424,687 100.00 %
Population - number of inhabitants by age groups - Slovakia - chart