Demography of Slovakia - population

Total population in Slovakia is 5,424,687 (5.425 million)
Status of the permanently resident population as of 1.1.2024 / 31.12.2023
Official data on state of the population as of 1.1.2025 / 31.12.2024 are not yet available.

Population - number of inhabitants in Slovakia years 2014 - 2023
Status of the permanently resident population as of 31.12.
The largest number of inhabitants in Slovakia in the years 2014 - 2023
was in 2020 ( 5,459,781 ).
The smallest number of inhabitants in the mentioned period was in 2014 ( 5,421,349 ).
The smallest number of inhabitants in the mentioned period was in 2014 ( 5,421,349 ).
Overview - population - number of inhabitants in Slovakia years 2014 - 2023
Year | The population |
2014 | 5,421,349 |
2015 | 5,426,252 |
2016 | 5,435,343 |
2017 | 5,443,120 |
2018 | 5,450,421 |
2019 | 5,457,873 |
2020 | 5,459,781 |
2021 | 5,434,712 |
2022 | 5,428,792 |
2023 | 5,424,687 |
Chart - population - number of inhabitants in Slovakia years 2014 - 2023

Population in Slovakia by gender
Status of the permanently resident population as of 31.12.2023
Official data on state of the population as of 1.1.2025 / 31.12.2024 are not yet available.
In 2023, there is 2,653,217 men (48.91 %) and 2,771,470 women (51.09 %) in Slovakia.
The male to female ratio is 0.957, which is approximately 957 males per 1000 females.
Chart - population in Slovakia by gender

48.91 %
48.91 %
51.09 %
51.09 %
Number of inhabitants in Slovakia by nationality - national minorities
Number of inhabitants - national minorities
Status 31.12.2023
Official data on state of the population as of 1.1.2025 / 31.12.2024 are not yet available.
There are 4,581,916 inhabitants of Slovak nationality in Slovakia, which is 84.46 % of the total population.
The most numerous - the largest national minority in Slovakia is Hungarian with 414,976 inhabitants (7.65 % of the total population).
The second largest national minority in Slovakia is the Roma with 66,378 inhabitants (1.22 % of the total population).
The third largest national minority in Slovakia is Czech with 29,472 inhabitants (0.54 % of the total population).
See the overview below for more information.
List of national minorities in Slovakia
Number and percentage of the total population
Status 31.12.2023
Nr. | Nationality | Code | Number | % |
1. | Slovak | SVK | 4,581,916 | 84.4642 % |
2. | Hungarian | HUN | 414,976 | 7.6498 % |
3. | Roma | ROM | 66,378 | 1.2236 % |
4. | Czech | CZE | 29,472 | 0.5433 % |
5. | Ruthenian | RUT | 21,139 | 0.3897 % |
6. | Ukrainian | UKR | 10,809 | 0.1993 % |
7. | Polish | POL | 4,124 | 0.0760 % |
8. | Russian | RUS | 3,523 | 0.0649 % |
9. | German | DEU | 3,389 | 0.0625 % |
10. | Vietnamese | VNM | 3,163 | 0.0583 % |
11. | Romanian | ROU | 1,690 | 0.0312 % |
12. | Italian | ITA | 1,417 | 0.0261 % |
13. | Serbian | SRB | 1,357 | 0.0250 % |
14. | Chinese | CHN | 1,314 | 0.0242 % |
15. | Bulgarian | BGR | 1,148 | 0.0212 % |
16. | Croatian | HRV | 1,000 | 0.0184 % |
17. | Moravian | MOR | 996 | 0.0184 % |
18. | Albanian | ALB | 870 | 0.0160 % |
19. | Austrian | AUT | 726 | 0.0134 % |
20. | French | FRA | 647 | 0.0119 % |
21. | English | GBR | 633 | 0.0117 % |
22. | Jewish | JEW | 531 | 0.0098 % |
23. | Turkish | TUR | 472 | 0.0087 % |
24. | Greek | GRC | 391 | 0.0072 % |
25. | Korean | KOR | 316 | 0.0058 % |
26. | Irish | IRL | 269 | 0.0050 % |
27. | Iranian | IRN | 154 | 0.0028 % |
28. | Silesian | SIL | 106 | 0.0020 % |
29. | Canadian | CAN | 98 | 0.0018 % |
30. | Other and unidentified | UNK | 271,663 | 5.0079 % |
Total | 5,424,687 | 100.0000 % |
Population by family status in Slovakia
Status of the permanently resident population as of 31.12.2023
Official data on state of the population as of 1.1.2025 / 31.12.2024 are not yet available.
In Slovakia, the largest population according to family status is single with 2,434,420 inhabitants. The second largest group by marital status is married with a population of 2,151,173. The third largest group are divorced with a number of 445,529. The fourth largest group in the order are widowers with a population of 374,065.
Family status | The population | % |
Single | 2,434,420 | 44.88 |
Married | 2,151,173 | 39.66 |
Divorced | 445,529 | 8.21 |
Widowers | 374,065 | 6.90 |
Uknown | 19,500 | 0.36 |
Total | 5,424,687 |
Chart - population by family status in Slovakia

Population - number of inhabitants in Slovakia by age - age structure
Status of the permanently resident population as of 31.12.2023
Official data on state of the population as of 1.1.2025 / 31.12.2024 are not yet available.
Population - number of inhabitants by age groups - Slovakia
The age group with the largest population is 40-49 years with a population of 882,610. The age group with the second largest population is 30-39 years with a population 792,153. The age group with the third largest population is 50-59 years with a population of 716,384.
Nr. | Age group | Population | % |
1. | 9 years and under | 576,573 | 10.63 % |
2. | 10-19 years | 560,750 | 10.34 % |
3. | 20-29 years | 561,216 | 10.35 % |
4. | 30-39 years | 792,153 | 14.60 % |
5. | 40-49 years | 882,610 | 16.27 % |
6. | 50-59 years | 716,384 | 13.21 % |
7. | 60-69 years | 677,828 | 12.50 % |
8. | 70-79 years | 463,935 | 8.55 % |
9. | 80-89 years | 166,409 | 3.07 % |
10. | 90-99 years | 25,813 | 0.48 % |
11. | 100-109 years | 1,015 | 0.02 % |
12. | 110 years or more | 1 | 0.00 % |
Total | 5,424,687 | 100.00 % |
Chart - population - number of inhabitants by age groups - Slovakia

Source: www.statistics.sk