Population in Districts

Official data on state of the population as of 1.1.2025 / 31.12.2024 are not yet available.
Population in Slovakia by districts - Map

Population in the district and a percentage of the whole Slovak Republic

Nr. DistrictThe population
% (**) Region
1. Prešov174,741 3.2212Prešov Region Go to article - Prešov Region
2. Nitra164,820 3.0383Nitra Region Go to article - Nitra Region
3. Žilina160,538 2.9594Žilina Region Go to article - Žilina Region
4. Nové Zámky135,003 2.4887Nitra Region Go to article - Nitra Region
5. Trnava132,524 2.4430Trnava Region Go to article - Trnava Region
6. Košice - okolie131,955 2.4325Košice Region Go to article - Košice Region
7. Prievidza128,613 2.3709Trenčín Region Go to article - Trenčín Region
8. Dunajská Streda127,025 2.3416Trnava Region Go to article - Trnava Region
9. Bratislava II125,980 2.3223Bratislava Region Go to article - Bratislava Region
10. Bratislava V122,048 2.2499Bratislava Region Go to article - Bratislava Region
11. Trenčín113,225 2.0872Trenčín Region Go to article - Trenčín Region
12. Levice108,479 1.9997Nitra Region Go to article - Nitra Region
13. Michalovce108,132 1.9933Košice Region Go to article - Košice Region
14. Banská Bystrica107,199 1.9761Banská Bystrica Region Go to article - Banská Bystrica Region
15. Senec105,075 1.9370Bratislava Region Go to article - Bratislava Region
16. Bratislava IV105,043 1.9364Bratislava Region Go to article - Bratislava Region
17. Trebišov103,002 1.8988Košice Region Go to article - Košice Region
18. Poprad102,038 1.8810Prešov Region Go to article - Prešov Region
19. Komárno99,273 1.8300Nitra Region Go to article - Nitra Region
20. Spišská Nová Ves98,556 1.8168Košice Region Go to article - Košice Region
21. Galanta95,457 1.7597Trnava Region Go to article - Trnava Region
22. Martin93,041 1.7151Žilina Region Go to article - Žilina Region
23. Čadca87,135 1.6063Žilina Region Go to article - Žilina Region
24. Malacky79,689 1.4690Bratislava Region Go to article - Bratislava Region
25. Rimavská Sobota79,655 1.4684Banská Bystrica Region Go to article - Banská Bystrica Region
26. Vranov nad Topľou79,295 1.4617Prešov Region Go to article - Prešov Region
27. Košice II78,385 1.4450Košice Region Go to article - Košice Region
28. Bratislava III77,594 1.4304Bratislava Region Go to article - Bratislava Region
29. Bardejov75,547 1.3927Prešov Region Go to article - Prešov Region
30. Kežmarok75,188 1.3860Prešov Region Go to article - Prešov Region
31. Liptovský Mikuláš71,405 1.3163Žilina Region Go to article - Žilina Region
32. Pezinok69,953 1.2895Bratislava Region Go to article - Bratislava Region
33. Topoľčany69,577 1.2826Nitra Region Go to article - Nitra Region
34. Lučenec69,018 1.2723Banská Bystrica Region Go to article - Banská Bystrica Region
35. Zvolen65,578 1.2089Banská Bystrica Region Go to article - Banská Bystrica Region
36. Námestovo64,385 1.1869Žilina Region Go to article - Žilina Region
37. Košice I62,965 1.1607Košice Region Go to article - Košice Region
38. Piešťany62,015 1.1432Trnava Region Go to article - Trnava Region
39. Sabinov61,542 1.1345Prešov Region Go to article - Prešov Region
40. Nové Mesto nad Váhom61,349 1.1309Trenčín Region Go to article - Trenčín Region
41. Považská Bystrica60,577 1.1167Trenčín Region Go to article - Trenčín Region
42. Senica58,980 1.0873Trnava Region Go to article - Trnava Region
43. Humenné58,688 1.0819Prešov Region Go to article - Prešov Region
44. Rožňava58,422 1.0770Košice Region Go to article - Košice Region
45. Brezno58,297 1.0747Banská Bystrica Region Go to article - Banská Bystrica Region
46. Ilava56,920 1.0493Trenčín Region Go to article - Trenčín Region
47. Ružomberok56,488 1.0413Žilina Region Go to article - Žilina Region
48. Košice IV56,143 1.0350Košice Region Go to article - Košice Region
49. Stará Ľubovňa53,107 0.9790Prešov Region Go to article - Prešov Region
50. Šaľa50,384 0.9288Nitra Region Go to article - Nitra Region
51. Bratislava I47,375 0.8733Bratislava Region Go to article - Bratislava Region
52. Skalica46,916 0.8649Trnava Region Go to article - Trnava Region
53. Žiar nad Hronom43,738 0.8063Banská Bystrica Region Go to article - Banská Bystrica Region
54. Púchov43,710 0.8058Trenčín Region Go to article - Trenčín Region
55. Partizánske43,509 0.8021Trenčín Region Go to article - Trenčín Region
56. Hlohovec43,197 0.7963Trnava Region Go to article - Trnava Region
57. Veľký Krtíš40,900 0.7540Banská Bystrica Region Go to article - Banská Bystrica Region
58. Zlaté Moravce40,765 0.7515Nitra Region Go to article - Nitra Region
59. Dolný Kubín38,734 0.7140Žilina Region Go to article - Žilina Region
60. Revúca37,816 0.6971Banská Bystrica Region Go to article - Banská Bystrica Region
61. Tvrdošín35,745 0.6589Žilina Region Go to article - Žilina Region
62. Bánovce nad Bebravou35,186 0.6486Trenčín Region Go to article - Trenčín Region
63. Snina34,071 0.6281Prešov Region Go to article - Prešov Region
64. Levoča33,192 0.6119Prešov Region Go to article - Prešov Region
65. Kysucké Nové Mesto32,642 0.6017Žilina Region Go to article - Žilina Region
66. Gelnica31,736 0.5850Košice Region Go to article - Košice Region
67. Bytča31,308 0.5771Žilina Region Go to article - Žilina Region
68. Svidník31,183 0.5748Prešov Region Go to article - Prešov Region
69. Detva30,562 0.5634Banská Bystrica Region Go to article - Banská Bystrica Region
70. Košice III27,551 0.5079Košice Region Go to article - Košice Region
71. Myjava25,013 0.4611Trenčín Region Go to article - Trenčín Region
72. Žarnovica24,668 0.4547Banská Bystrica Region Go to article - Banská Bystrica Region
73. Sobrance22,226 0.4097Košice Region Go to article - Košice Region
74. Krupina21,271 0.3921Banská Bystrica Region Go to article - Banská Bystrica Region
75. Poltár20,247 0.3732Banská Bystrica Region Go to article - Banská Bystrica Region
76. Stropkov19,553 0.3604Prešov Region Go to article - Prešov Region
77. Turčianske Teplice15,753 0.2904Žilina Region Go to article - Žilina Region
78. Banská Štiavnica15,407 0.2840Banská Bystrica Region Go to article - Banská Bystrica Region
79. Medzilaborce10,665 0.1966Prešov Region Go to article - Prešov Region
Total: (79)5,424,687 (*)
(*) The population state: 31.12.2023
(**) The population % district: percentage of the population of the whole Slovak Republic
(*) Source: www.statistics.sk