Population in Regions

Status of the permanently resident population as of 31.12.2023
Official data on state of the population as of 1.1.2025 / 31.12.2024 are not yet available.
Population by regions - Slovakia

Population by regions - Slovakia - chart

Population by regions - Slovakia - chart
Population by regions - Slovakia - chart
Nr. Region Article The population (*) % (**) Article
1. Prešov Region
Go to population in regionPopulation in region
Go to article - Prešov Region808,810 14.9098 Go to article - Prešov Region
2. Košice Region
Go to population in regionPopulation in region
Go to article - Košice Region779,073 14.3616 Go to article - Košice Region
3. Bratislava Region
Go to population in regionPopulation in region
Go to article - Bratislava Region732,757 13.5078 Go to article - Bratislava Region
4. Žilina Region
Go to population in regionPopulation in region
Go to article - Žilina Region687,174 12.6675 Go to article - Žilina Region
5. Nitra Region
Go to population in regionPopulation in region
Go to article - Nitra Region668,301 12.3196 Go to article - Nitra Region
6. Banská Bystrica Region
Go to population in regionPopulation in region
Go to article - Banská Bystrica Region614,356 11.3252 Go to article - Banská Bystrica Region
7. Trenčín Region
Go to population in regionPopulation in region
Go to article - Trenčín Region568,102 10.4725 Go to article - Trenčín Region
8. Trnava Region
Go to population in regionPopulation in region
Go to article - Trnava Region566,114 10.4359 Go to article - Trnava Region
Total: (8) 5,424,687 (*)
(*) The population state: 31.12.2023
(**) The population % region: percentage of the population of the whole Slovak Republic
(*) Source: www.statistics.sk