Smolenice Castle

Category: Castles
Region: Trnava Region
District: Trnava
City / Municipality: Smolenice
Tourist location: Bratislava and surroundings (Bratislava a okolie)
Mountains:Little Carpathians (Malé Karpaty)
District: Trnava
City / Municipality: Smolenice
Tourist location: Bratislava and surroundings (Bratislava a okolie)
Mountains:Little Carpathians (Malé Karpaty)
The castle was rebuilt in the 19th and 20th century by order of count József Pálffy. First works on the fortification walls started in 1887. The new castle was designed by architect Jozef Hubert. He used Kreuzenstein castle near Vienna as a model, and the works were controlled by the architect Pavol Reiter from Bavaria. During its construction there were masters from Italy, Germany, Austria and Hungary, but also local craftsmens from Smolenice and the surrounding villages.
During World War I, the reconstruction was interrupted and some rooms were temporarily adapted for the archives of the Palffy family. In 1945 the state became the owner of the castle. It was taken over by the Slovak National Council which decided to keep it as their summer-house.
After year 1950 reconstruction of the castle was realized. The reconstruction was finished, castle was furnished and in 1953 the castle become property of the Slovak Academy of Sciences.
Present use of Smolenice Castle
Smolenice Castle is the property of the Slovak Academy of Sciences and is made available only partially to the public (gardens, courtyards, reserved rooms). There are organized national and international scientific conferences at the castle, too.