Snina Mansion
Category: Mansions and palaces
Region: Prešov Region
District: Snina
City / Municipality: Snina
Tourist location: Zemplín - Upper Zemplín (Horný Zemplín)
District: Snina
City / Municipality: Snina
Tourist location: Zemplín - Upper Zemplín (Horný Zemplín)
The sons of countess sold in 1799 Snina with unfinished mansion to Rholl family - entrepreneurs in mining and metallurgy, who discovered iron ore in Vihorlat mountains. Jozef Rholl finished building of mansion in 1800. The two-floored building with a rectangular ground plan was a beautiful lordly residency with many rooms - bedrooms, dining room, guest rooms, salons, hall, kitchen and chamber.
In years 1850 - 2009 mansion had several owners, in 2009 the owner became a city of Snina. The mansion was renovated in 2012 and opened to the public in year 2013.
The manour house is seat of museum with permanent exhibition at present. The permanent exhibition in the mansion maps the history of the city, the times of the First and Second World Wars, historical sights of the town of Snina and there is a demonstration of manor house furniture from 19th century.
There is also a seat of the city gallery in the manor house and there are organized social and cultural events, exhibitions and concerts of classical music.