Wooden church in Hervartov

Category: UNESCO Cultural Heritage, Wooden churches
Region: Prešov Region
District: Bardejov
City / Municipality: Hervartov
Tourist location: Šariš
World Heritage: UNESCO Cultural Heritage
District: Bardejov
City / Municipality: Hervartov
Tourist location: Šariš
World Heritage: UNESCO Cultural Heritage
The interior of the church is decorated with panel paintings and wall paintings from years 1655 and 1805. In the church dominates the altar of St. Catherine, the Virgin Mary and St. Barbara, which was reconstructed in the second half of the 1990s. Among the other sights also belong the late gothic painting of St. Francis of Assisi, St. Christopher and St. Catherine Sienska.
Since 1968 the Church and the wall of the church are national cultural monument of Slovakia. The Church is entered in the list of UNESCO World Cultural Heritage since the 7th July, 2008.