ZOO Bojnice

Category: ZOO & ZOO Parks
Region: Trenčín Region
District: Prievidza
City / Municipality: Bojnice
Tourist location: Nitra - Upper Nitra (Horná Nitra)
Mountains:Strážov Mountains (Strážovské vrchy)
Malá Magura
District: Prievidza
City / Municipality: Bojnice
Tourist location: Nitra - Upper Nitra (Horná Nitra)
Mountains:Strážov Mountains (Strážovské vrchy)

National Zoo Bojnice presents a unique collection of animals from around the world - more than 430 species with more than 3500 specimens. It is the largest collection of all Slovak zoos. Approximately 280 species from this collection exhibits as the only zoo in Slovakia, e.g. African Elephants or Antelopes Bongo.
As part of its activities it exposes live exhibits, breeds endangered species, educates the public about the environment and biodiversity protection. National Zoo Bojnice manages the National Capture Center for confiscated and seized animals. Specialists actively cooperate with the authorities of CITES and the State Environmental Protection. It provides permanent care for disabled animals in Rehabilitation Station for Injured Rare Animals from nature and provides visitors relaxation and rest.
National Zoo Bojnice is a full member of major international organizations
WAZA (World Association of Zoos and Aquariums)
EAZA (European Association of Zoos and Aquaria)
UCSZOO (Union of Czech and Slovak Zoological Gardens)
WAPCA (The West African Primate Conservation Action)
EEKMA (The European Elephant Keeper and Manager Association)
IZE (International Zoo Educators Association)
Species360 (Zoo and aquarium animal records database)
We actively cooperate in researching and protecting animals in their natural environment with leading domestic and foreign institutions.