ZOO Košice

Category: ZOO & ZOO Parks
Region: Košice Region
District: Košice IV
City / Municipality: Košice, City part / Municipality part:Kavečany
Tourist location: Kosice and surroundings (Abov) / Košice a okolie (Abov)
District: Košice IV
City / Municipality: Košice, City part / Municipality part:Kavečany
Tourist location: Kosice and surroundings (Abov) / Košice a okolie (Abov)
In the new millennium, it is built as a zoo of a universal type breeds more than 1 270 animals - 249 species. It is located on an area of 288 ha, about one-third of area is used for animals and visitors. A large area allows to breed animals in conditions that resemble their natural habitat.
The part of the ZOO is DINOPARK, where you can admire models of dinosaurs in life-size. In Dinopark there is a free 3D cinema, children's attractions, a paleontological playground and other attractions.
ZOO Košice is today a respected organization in the international field. Its membership in World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA), opened the door to its further development.